Grow Goddess
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  • Hello, Grow Goddess, ive seen a post where you was talking about iso oil and then making it into vape juice. I have alot of health problems, i have Arnold Chiari Malformation which I've had major brain surgery for. I have Ehler-danlos syndrome and at the start of Cranio cervical instability. Im wanting to make Rso and make oil/capsules. Thank you
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    Reactions: Grow Goddess
    Grow Goddess
    Grow Goddess
    You can find some of the information you are looking for at my site just go to the blogs page. if you have any questions, my contact information is posted on the site.
    Thank you very much, I will have a good read through and get back in touch if I need to. Many thanks xx
    Its me again . just thought of something , if you could send me a PM , that would be good , thats houw I would talk to Abe and Homeless ( RIU ) members , Thanks again
    Hi Grow Goddess , I have not talked to you for a couple of years , I need some help again if you have time , its for my sister-in-law , could you let me know if you have time .
    I'm in the UK and was HEP C+ for a decade, made some RSO and cleared, please, can you give me a link so i can make a GOOD rso extract. Unfortunately my fiance has been diagnosed with fibromialgia and, along with now knowing i can add PG to her juices i need a GOOD TECH and're the 1 Love with hope, Rich and hannah.
    Hi Grow Goddess, I'm trying to make vape liquid from shatter. It turns out I have a sensitivity to PG, it causes an asthma type reaction..

    So I tried using 50/50 VG and grain alcohol (151 prooof).. that ended up separating

    Do you know if PG sensitive people also have an issue with PEG? What's your advice in this situation? PEG/ Shatter in 50/50 ratio?
    Thanks in advance!
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    Grow Goddess
    Grow Goddess
    PEG is recommended for those who have a sensitivity to PG. PEG is a little bit more difficult to work with because it is thicker and you are more limited on the type of vaporizer. I recommend the AeroTank Mini when it comes to using PEG it can handle thicker liquids and is very smooth. The other downside with PEG, except for it being considered more safe, is you need to add flavoring, it tastes like crap!
    Grow Goddess
    Grow Goddess
    You can add a drop or two of flavoring and you no longer taste the PEG. I like to use NF Organic flavorings. I buy most of my e-cigg products at High Desert Vapes, including the flavorings, they are great to work with for many reasons, and offer the best PG USP I have ever used. I typically use PEG400 NF/USP and get it from tex lab supply
    Hello goddess, I hope you were alerted for the conversation I started. I thought I included you but not sure how everything works on this site.

    Hi GrowGoddess, I'm Hgibbs12 and I am in the R&D department of a dispensary in Arizona. We've got our own indoor growing and BHO systems that we'd been using. I'd love to get your opinion on a few projects we're working on. If you're interested, reply to this and I'll give you my contact info
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    Reactions: Grow Goddess
    Grow Goddess
    Grow Goddess
    I would be happy to help any way I can. You can send me a PM with your info if you like. More than happy to offer my opinion.
    Hey I just came across the thread where you were talking about RSO and the vape pens. I have keif and trim and want to know how to make a good vape oil. I have tried O Pens but they are just too expensive @ 40$/ cartridge. I have 4 cartridges to be filled. Did you ever figure out a good recipe? Thank you so much for your valuable information and truth! :)
    Thank u mucho Grow Goddess. I was only able to find a 70% PG / 30% VG blend at the cape shop today. I tried it. i did a 50/50 mix of oil to e-liquid and filled my KangerTech mini Protank II. The hit was very smooth with a subtle potent effect. However, i am starting to notice separation in the mixture. Im sure this is due to the VG. I heated the honey oil by dropping the tiny glass jar in hot water. Is this the best way to heat it (besides the spoon and lighter way)? I am going to find sweetened PG to use next but I THINK I am on the right track.
    Hey! I just read a thread that you posted in about mixing RSO with PG. You definitely seem knowledgeable on the subject and I wanted to ask a couple if specific questions:

    I have a vape pen and use a e-liquid that's nicotine free and contains PG and VG with artificial flavors. I was gifted half a gram of RSO. Could I just mix the two then load my vape pen.
    If so, what's the best way to mix and at what ratio? And does it matter if the clearmizer has a wick or not?

    Thank you for any help you give!
    I posted this earlier and thought maybe a PM to you might get an answer quicker... After doing a lot of research on vape pens and ejuices I just recently ran across this Mister-E-Liquid, looks like they are from Michigan... They make different eliquid flavors, they normally make it a 33% VG/ 67% PG, but you can custom order so they are 100% PG only flavors.. no vg what so ever... so I am wondering would it be possible to add BHO to this PG only flavoring? Everywhere I read the problem with adding BHO to flavors is they contain VG and VG seperates, so with no VG in these flavorings they should mix with BHO correct?
    *Let me add I am no way affiliated with Mister-E-Liquid, I'm just trying to find the easiest way to mix BHO and flavors together for my vape pen

    thanks for the help
    hi I seen a post that you posted about k,kushmans cough, I have been looking for the cough for a long time. I have my card and was worunding if you would sell me a clone. If you could help me it will give me a good night sleep again. The cough knocks me out no other strain.
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