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  • Hey so im looking around on the forums trying to get some tips for this season and noticed that you mentioned you have used jacks classics so im just wondering if you can give me any pointers on using it. My grow is going to be in five gallon buckets (one plant per bucket) with my own soil mix. There wont be any kind of issues with not being able to see the plants for extended periods of time as they are right in my backyard. So yah any tips on how strong to mix it and how often to feed and things like that would be greatly appreciated.

    Thanks Aaron
    hey bro im looking into dyno grow as a possibility could you tell me what nutes i need besides the bloom ,mag , grow and protek i remember u telling me the protek had silica in it i was wondering why over humboldt does it produce a great quality flower
    Hey thanks Wet, you should check amazon, they got some really good deals if you get into their prime membership... I get free 2 day shipping or i pay 3.99 per item for next day air no matter what the weight! I did find a great nursery that carries alot of good stuff but no go on the meals, just blood and bone meals.. Give amazon a try and if you are a college student, you get a free 1 year prime membership account with all the great deals on shipping
    You could go 1 node down and cut.

    I always make sure I cut the stem. With FIM, you might get the tip or you might just get the new leaves and miss the meristem.

    I like to make sure and wait till I can see a definate stem so when I cut, I know I got the tip.

    i got about 5 leaves growing out of the bottom of the cut what should i do the stem grew a little but should i go lower
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