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  • Well, I missed you and in hopes that you may grace us with your presence again..I wanted you to know that I still sleep with your virtual panties under my pillow!
    Hey I need help editing a post I made yesterday to change the pictures to make them more obscured.
    Hello MelloKitty. I want to send a private message to you to ask you a question about the journals , but I am so new, I dont know how. Can you help?
    Damn miss kitty, I've been staring at your background for like five minutes now... I think I'm going blind. :-P
    Sweet I love heirloom veggies !! The greenhouse is stuffed with ; ragged jack kale, pink flamingo chard , sugar snap peas , cammomile, lavendula austafolia, sunflowers , red daylillies that are bulking up and mello kitty cannabis ;)
    hey kitty, i would just let them go untouched if they were mine. unless they're deformed. some rose-tone wouldn't hurt. are they old plants? if so prune back the olsest wood. that stimulates growth too:)
    Hey Kitty! Long time no talk! You really don't venture into T&T any longer do ya!! Hope alls well!
    hi kitty! how have u been? can you please help me get my pm priveledges back. After the big hack i lost them. for the longest time i though that pm's were gone for everyone. Recently i discovered that is not the case and somehow i lost mine because i was said to have been spamming other memebers. This is just not the case at all. I dont even know how to do that. Have a terrific weekend, take it easy.. Dr. Ambert
    ty...u are sooo sweet. i just got the best caretakers job for a rich old couple they want me to move into the cottage on a 14 acre place in moneyville. rent free. i just take care of the place. ima rent out my home and go for it. this is all dependant on the outcome my sweet and i may have a lil irish luck in me yet. i would say more but only on phone. the case is evolving so cant say much here.. i would love to call u. u are my extended fam. y did r ban me?
    I'm getting a kitten shortly. I'll send pix. So excited. Um I gotta whisper something in ur ear.
    U know where to find me
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