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  • Love ya dobby! Can we find mr potter some meds please he's being annoying and oh it appears as if he's lost his wand! oh my! lmao!
    Hey there my friend! Not sure, I will be at some point for sure though. Chopped my girls, the SLH just a week ago so I'm having to mess with her - she smells like paint. lol. Everything else is sealed curing in jars. Been working this weekend and since I work by myself I've been doing some sampling.

    You doing ok? I found out a friend of mine's son was in a horrible logging accident in the Lincoln area, he was pinned by the knee (which was completely crushed) for a whole day before his dad found him. He might still lose his leg. Dangerous way to make a living no doubt, not to mention very hard work.

    So yeah, we need to do a meet up at some point.
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