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  • hey. got any bud shots of that western winds grow from sagarmtha? :)
    nope, that shit is Long gone man ~ I'm on another computer altogether since then.
    Damn. That sucks. I think it's a vendor issue. You probably fucked with the same bunk ass vendor I did. While I did purge during one of my two successful trips and felt ill for a bit, it was well worth it. 12+ hours of blissful tripping both times. Oh well. Guess I need to find a reliable vendor and stick with 'em instead of looking for the best price. Thanks for the feedback and good luck!
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    Reactions: indicat33
    Welcome, seems to me like most vendors selling skins/powder in usa are full of shit. I'm sick of it and just started my own peyote seeds. Will take some time, but it's a Sure way to get Trippin' 15 buttons= 400mg (+ - :-)
    I saw your post on doing an ISO extract for p. torch. How did it go? I just downed 50 grams in capsules and it was the worst. Might have been a different story if the shit actually worked, but it was totally ineffective. I've had success with this method, so I'm wondering if I need a new method or new vendor. Probably need a new method either way because even when it works, the capsule shit is rough.
    Dude, mine was shit also. The residue just didn't contain any mescaline. I made a "tea" from 12" T.Pachanoi, and felt sick for 10 hrs. with muscle spasms, and None of the Mescaline Effect. I have 25 g. dried powder (Bolivian Torch) I grew myself from a cutting. I never wanna go through those shitty effects again, but really want to trip on mescaline. Wish me Luck !
    i can send you the photos here if you wanna have a look and let me know what you think.

    thanks again for the advice dude
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