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  • Hi, I saw your post regarding the BH1750 light sensor.

    Cant figure out how to use I2C with Labview as I've never used I2C before with my NI myRIO.

    Not sure what to put for these values, and if I should ground the SD0 connection or put it as an analog input

    Slave Adress
    Byte Count
    Bytes Read

    It would be really cool if you help.
    Post your issue in the Tech/Sci forum, then I'll see what I can do. I think there might be a couple other people that can help, too.
    hi, dude i need your help i am trying to get working a bh1750 with a dht11 in labview software, Actually i am getting the data from the dht 11 sensor but i have no idea how can i add and connect the bh1750 to my arduino mega
    The BH1750 will want to use some analog channels.
    yeah a saw it thanks, i tested the bh1750 with the github program and there is no read, the bh1750 just came broke. w/e. The dht 11 need a modified lifa base but it worked. Now i am trying to make a control with the objective to select a diffent fuzzy file load. (germination, growing and flowering) , should i make the control with the loops or there is another easy way? **Sorry for my english i am from chile
    Now your question is getting deeper. I would suggest you start a new thread about this in the Tech/Sci section, then you can post screen captures of your labview schematic so I can see what you're trying to do more easily.
    Hello! I am wondering if you would recommend using Pramiracetam along with small amounts of Noopept, Aniracetam, Piracetam, and Oxiracetam? I am trying to find a good combination to help me with college, yet, I am not sure if there would be much advantages to adding Pramiracetam with everything else?
    Wow, sorry I didn't see your comment sooner.
    I can't recommend anything, really. I have found aniracetam and noopept to be less effective for me. Piracetam and Oxiracetam are dominant in my list of choices.
    I need to do more study of Prami- on its own to really figure out how effective it is.
    Piracetam + Oxiracetam + Aniracetam + Pramiracetam + Choline + Noopept + Caffeine + Nicotine +THC/CBD = Melting pop cans using only thoughts
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