Recent content by 57thtomk

  1. 5

    $2.00 per Gram coming soon

    It's legal to accept compensation from your patient. A reasonable amount. But if you are going to lose money taking care of a patient or end up with more weed than you can legally have in your possession because they go to a dispensary instead, it will become a problem. I like quiet talks with...
  2. 5

    $2.00 per Gram coming soon

    So small indoor growers are losing money?
  3. 5

    COB grow light opinion

    We want to move some plants to flower from the veg box. In the flower room we have a 600w HPS light in a medium size hood. The flower space is 4' X 4'. The question is would it be better to get a used large hood with a thousand watt bulb OR get two of these for the same money and light the...
  4. 5

    Nutrient deficiency puzzle...

    The leaf in the picture is from plants that are a couple weeks from flipping to flower. We have two plants to harvest tonight, however. I suppose all trimmings should be disposed of, but the crop can still be consumed, I hope.
  5. 5

    Nutrient deficiency puzzle...

    That's what my partner thought, but he found aphids and started treating the plants for them. We need a better note keeping system, obviously.
  6. 5

    Nutrient deficiency puzzle...

    Or Aphids?
  7. 5

    Nutrient deficiency puzzle... Did that work?
  8. 5

    Nutrient deficiency puzzle...

    What would you guess caused this?
  9. 5

    $2.00 per Gram coming soon

    Isn't the law that is proposed what is on the five pages on the back of the petition we signed this summer?
  10. 5

    $2.00 per Gram coming soon

    MLive article posted the day before yesterday. Sept. 6
  11. 5

    $2.00 per Gram coming soon

    A proposed initiated law to authorize and legalize possession, use and cultivation of marijuana products by individuals who are at least 21 years of age and older, and commercial sales of marijuana through state-licensed retailers This proposal would: Allow individuals 21 and older to...
  12. 5

    $2.00 per Gram coming soon

    I can't post links yet.
  13. 5

    $2.00 per Gram coming soon

    Have you read the ballot language for the legalization proposal yet?
  14. 5

    This looks like a good place to start.

    We are starting with a grow tent and little cash. Hopefully I can find good information here.