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  • hey mate good night how you doing ?

    So i'm still searching but with no results for my goals yet , i've only found info for growing few plants. Do you think i could fit by DWC system 16 medium size plants and get good results in therms of quantity/quality with an 180 liters 89x56x48,5 cm plastic box ??
    If it was me, I wouldn't risk it if my job depended on it and I needed the job.
    Do youi think i should stick it out till my probation period is over for work? Or do you think i will be alright?
    Hey i had a question, I have a seedling that i literly had to plant like a foot and a half down due to extreme stem growth and no foliage or stem thickness it toppled its still thriving well and now has some veg growth but the other seedling i have ( all from the same seed pack of the bianca) has very little to no stem growth with limited foliage growth aswell. i friend of mine i was talking to said the long stem and no foliage growth is traits of a male and vise versa for the other plant traits of a female would you know if theres any truth to what he says?
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