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  • Gandalf, it's Freak, just got your message from Gladstone. Hit me back at my email. It's cabin fever freak at gmail dot Com
    I am so fucking sorry to hear about your brother. There really are no words. Hope to hear from you soon.
    I don't even know you but am praying too! Be blessd:)
    Hey bro, how ya doin? I think about whats going on with you often, and wish I had more time to write you brother. I know you're a fucking soldier, and will come out of this stronger for having gone through it. I pray things are over asap, and you can get on with your life. Take er easy bro, know you"re on a lot of peoples mind around here. Peace & Love my brother from another mother! Your friend, Myco
    not so much as the seed industry shut down as think about this . why is mj illegal? $$$$. they want the tax $. thats why the american breeders are THRIVING. theyre paying their US taxes and then some when you include running a business, location, employees. look at rare dankness. i think the legal turn point is among us more than some are aware.
    Hey bro, The GGG forum has temporary gone down, we are experiencing a technical error with our server provider is all. We're working to get it fixed at the moment, and it should be up & running again within 48 hours, sorry about this fella.

    Can you help me pass the word around to other members too please, because at the moment no one can get on there and I don't want people thinking the worst. Thanx bro

    Gotta love technology, huh? Yeah I like making my own seedling mix too. I think I can get it better than some company who has no idea what I'm actually trying to grow in it. I just like light and airy with a small amount of ewc, and a touch of azomite or exclereite, with a little Rare earth as well from Gen Hydro. The last seedlings I started in it seemed to like it, and are kickin butt now, so I guess it's ok. I'm still tweaking my soil recipes though, and probably will be for a long time, ha ha. Have fun in the woods bro, I'm kind of jealous, haven't been back packing in a long time, need to get out, and do it before the end of the season. Take care.
    Sorry i was out most of the day yesterday. I think the ewc, and water ph'ing should help quite a bit. IDK why, but I always end up with problems with L.W. soil. They advertise it as good for seedlings, and such, but it seems to have no friggin food in it sometimes. I know people don't want to burn little babies with hot soil, but they do need some food. I also don't like how heavy it is in the perlite, it makes you feel like you're always under-watering them, and then you end up over-watering. It's always something ain't it.
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