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  • I'm a bit confused.
    15-15-10 or did you mean
    Both. Anytime minimum wage goes up, if you were making over the new minimum, you get a pay cut effectively.
    Nutes and Nugs
    Nutes and Nugs
    OK, I see how you mean. A bit confusing.
    Thought you got your numbers mixed up at first.
    Sorry for the confusion. If I was an hourly employee over $10/hr I would want to murder anyone who raised the minimum wage.
    Fair enough. I have said some things that if taken out of context with things said in other parts of the same thread can be seen as racist... What am I talking about, they are racist. However, what you have never read is anything I have said that is bigoted. Basically everything I have said can be summed up in one short sentence. Some races are superior to others in certain things, however, we all ought to have equal protection under the law and treat each other equally or fairly or what have you.
    I've recently read some of your racist remarks about blacks, for the first time. That's something that I apparently should have done before asking for your friendship. Now that I'm aware of your prejudice towards others because of their race, I can no longer be your friend; therefore, I have eliminated you from my list of friends Unlike yourself, I judge others by their deeds, not their race or color of their skin. I can only hope that you will become more enlightened before you leave this world.
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