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  • Opportunity comes when you need it most. Without fail, but you have to be looking for it. Opportunity rarely looks for you. Success for all.
    I saw your post about needing an electrician in Colorado Springs. I am in Denver and looking for a qualified electrician. I'm running an 8-3 wire from main panel to sub panel about 80ft. Currently a 12g wire is there. Access point is in crawl space under house and may need some assistance in properly wiring the 8-3 wire. Is this something you have more knowledge on?
    Is this 240v or 120v?
    It sounds like you have a handle on what you are getting into. Are you pulling through conduit? If so, how big and are there other conductors in the conduit?
    Dekky Wall
    Thanks for the reply! Luckily I found someone that was available today to come take a look. I guess my issue is a bit more complex than originally thought. I only have 120V available from the service connection when I need 240v. ll the 12g and replace with 6-3 so that someday it will be ready for 240v service and the 6-3 shouldn't overheat, but ballasts and or lights may wear out sooner than they should.
    Dekky Wall
    Does that sound like a feasible workaround or scrap my whole grow plan?
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