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  • Yo you alive man
    Damn that's no good I no him and buck got into it for a bit then he left shortly after so I am not sure. He was cool
    He was one of the coolest and most knowledgeable here. It's too bad he left.
    Yes he was awesome esp electrical. Hopefully he will show his face again.

    Of course I near him or that part of the us. I am south east but he always said if I made it to Colorado to get a hold of him. But never made it
    So I'm trying your growing style out. Top off bucket in veg doesn't exchange nutrients very fast, and isn't aerated. Smells kinda bad. But plants seem to be fine, so I guess its working.
    My top off bucket only has RO water, no nutes, its only function is to keep levels maintained. No recirculation or aeration at that spot, only the air stones under the plants.
    Ok. I just figured you drain everything, then premix nutrient solution then add to top off bucket. But I guess you just do direct addition to res, and shut other valve off to ro bucket.
    Your first assumption was correct. If I'm putting in 30gal the first 20 contain the nutes / ph down and the last 10 are plain ro to flush the controler clean. Setting the controller on another bucket/lid speeds things during fill. 1 inch line is best.
    Yo snaps thanks for your advice on my thread bro, If you have any other ideas of how I could increase my yield as a newbie id appreciate very much. I'm cutting back on nutes and have read alot about salt buildups. Thanks for pointing this out to me, peace bro
    Thank you for the advice on venting and lights :) I'm getting an air cooled hood like you suggested.
    Well I'll stay tuned! But at least now I know I didn't miss seeing pics of your grow room lab!
    Totally understand. Was just curious from reading some of your general posts about time, labor and expense you've put into it. I'm sure it is pimped out just the way the ladies like it!
    Yep, we have some pretty well automated tech catered to canopy area grows (Washington) and plant count grows (Colorado). Presently rolling out some massive implementations in several states. Some of the tech we're working with that has yet to be released to the market is very promising. Good things are coming down the road, very good things. Wish I could elaborate.
    Hey Snaps, you got any links to pics of your grow room? Not sure if you've posted some or have proprietary stuff you can't share. But love to see some if they are up!
    Due to manufacturer testing we are currently performing and associated non-disclosure agreements, we are unable to post any current images of our R&D lab. I'll talk with my business partners and see if we can agree on any images for release. Any old images on here are obsolete.
    Discovered that by decreasing RH 3 or 4%, room temp climbs from 80 F to mid-80's! Running about 65% RH in this closed flower room & like to rachet that down some, maybe as low as 50. I've had no issues with a 65% mold, etc. LOTS of air movement. Should I be happy with my 65% RH? Open up an electrically operated vent with fan to replace that hot air with cooler (basement, conditioned)?
    Snaps can you read my post in Colorado medical patients please I am confused about the law on home growing and would like to straighten it out thanks :)
    Wow, I fucked myself over big time. Thanks for the info. I still feel I have adequate proof that i mailed in my application and i know i did and that this is just bureaucratic nightmare, but I do understand in the current climate that everyone in the industry needs to protect themselves from extra scrutiny and prosecution and that "the rules are the rules". However youre also not supposed to be able to fly without photo ID and I was recently able to board my flight to my new home with a birth certificate and extra pat down since I forget my wallet and I never thought that would happen.
    Im hoping there could be a way around this other seemingly impossible situation, but my guess is my luck ran out and I fucked myself.
    Really makes me wish I just waited for this Thursday. At least I learned a lot more about the process here in CO I guess.
    There is nothing you can do. They will process your application, the green receipt is simply to allow you to do business for first 30 days of waiting.
    Unfortunately I'm not yet 21 so the recreational centers are not an option for me. I will be legitimately using cannabis to manage the pain caused by and decrease the frequency of migraines I get often. Waiting for my red card to arrive will by no means the end of world, and when it does arrive it will be a great relief. Its frustrating, because I had an appointment for this coming Thursday and on Thursdays post offices are open normal hours and dispensaries can take temporary paperwork. Is there literally any course of action I can take to proof that i mailed that registration or get the letter back to resend properly? and also, without the "green" certified mail receipt will the application be denied?
    Upon further research I found that dispensaries need to be able to verify the address the application was sent to using that certified mail receipt.
    In my patient guide I was given by the doctor it mentioned needing a receipt for certified mail but did not specify that it had to be green, simply proof of mailing the application.
    I had taken a picture of the envelope with certified mail sticker, next to the receipt that was given, the photo shows the address for CDPHE on the envelope I sent.
    It is my fault for not having the green receipt that would havethe info they need on it to verify me, I accept that.
    My question is if my registration form,money order stub, photo id, mailing receipt, and photo of envelope with receipt will be sufficient proof of mailing my application
    for the dispensary to allow me to make my purchase? thank you for your time
    I chose 1 day mail and certified which cost in total $8.90.
    The receipt and the certified mail sticker that came from the automated machine is not a green one with customer duplicate like the ones you would fill out with a postal employee.
    The kiosk printed me a receipt with a certified mail tracking number. I sent all required forms to CDPHE, certified mail and have a receipt for it.
    When I went to a dispensary to make my first purchase I learned the temporary paperwork can only be used monday through friday and only until 5pm so the dispensary can check in on the status of your application.
    I now understand and accept this, and was looking forward to making my first mmj purchase this monday. The woman at the dispensary also pointed out however, that
    the mail receipt I had was not the normal one and that the owner would have to be the one to make an exception and accept my temporary paper work, with the post office receipt that the kiosk printed.
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