Recent content by 7CardBud

  1. 7CardBud

    Got guns?

    Thats a slick looking rifle, I like the included rail and peep. The only reason I got a 45-70 was because I planned to reload. No way in hell I was gonna pay those ammo gougers. I dumped all my 38 brass and now load everything in 357 cases. This Lee die works great for fast solid crimps. I was...
  2. 7CardBud

    Help getting a job in the cannabis industry,tips ?

    Best way to turn something you love into something you despise is to have your income depend upon it.
  3. 7CardBud

    Got guns?

    Yup, that's a new Ruger Marlin Guide Gun in 45-70. The shotty is a 590, they started offering walnut furniture again a few years ago.
  4. 7CardBud

    Colas VS Nuggs

  5. 7CardBud

    Got guns?

    This is the steel slappin' crew assembled before a trip to the range.
  6. 7CardBud

    To flush or not to flush using coco

    Make it stop.........
  7. 7CardBud

    What the Funk?

  8. 7CardBud

    First time tomato grower could use some advice please

    I'm a big tomato grower and usually do three types. Early Girls just to get something going and be eating fresh BLTs asap. San Marzano are known for making a premium sauce, don't forget a nice food mill with a few blades. Ugly Ripes/Heirloom type tomatoes they take much longer, but taste...
  9. 7CardBud

    Watering issues,

    That container looks like it would hold water for about a week, unless the plant is in very high heat. My shot in the dark guess is overwatering/root disease issues.
  10. 7CardBud

    Got guns?

    I did sone reading and it seems those older 25-35s had a 1-8 twist, later they moved to 1-10. That should work for modern .257 copper bullets. I wouldn't have traded in some of my grampa's cool old guns that had hard to find pricey ammo if I was reloading years ago. Two guns from the 1930's a...
  11. 7CardBud

    Got guns?

    Hornady and Winchester still make 25-35 brass. Definitely seems like a roll your own type of rifle. I've been stocking up on some home roles myself. I got 600 rounds .357 and 200 rounds 45-70 ready for some nice weather. The savings on the 45-70 is substantial considering it's $60-$75 a box in...
  12. 7CardBud

    What the Funk?

  13. 7CardBud

    Advanced nutrients in rdwc?

    AN is known for selling outlandish BS stories about their unicorn piss in a bottle. Another vote to run it at pH6 like any other nutrient solution.
  14. 7CardBud

    What the Funk?

  15. 7CardBud

    Snow Bong Rips❄️

    Had fun with the crew last night, poker tournament and snow bong rips.