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  • Liking your vertical grow post. Several pages in and a lot more to get through it all, but liking what I see so far. We all learn from our experiences as well from others. Never mind the haters. We are all here to share and learn from one another...
    As a fellow Colorado grower im definitely interested in hearing more about your water cooling setup.
    Im pushing 4kw in Cobs, in a sealed & insulated basement.
    Hey sorry I'm not a verified user or whatnot. I was curious about your vertical grow and the way you set up something of a vertical scrog. I just wanted to ask you some questions, but I know how this sight is and understand if you don't want to answer anything or don't have time to. Regardless your grow is cool as fuck dude.
    Just wanted to say I really like you. I'm new here but have already learned a ton from you. You are objective and reasonable. I love it. Keep it up bro.
    Hey tystikk. Seen you around the farm, just bumped into your thread in the vert forum and wanted to say cool idea of caging your lights and not your plants.
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