Blue brother
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  • Hi Blue brother, I just read in a cannatrol thread that you built your own device. I'm very interested in doing the same, would you be so kind to share some information on how to do this, or point me in the right direction where to find the information?
    Many thanks :-)
    Blue brother
    Blue brother
    Yeah @Hook Daddy explains it better than me, my thread was full of dicks and naysayers haha, makes for an interesting read though.
    Great stuff! Thanks for the link, gonna deep dive into this and give it a go. Are you still using this method for drying/curing?
    Blue brother
    Blue brother
    Yeah, I got a bigger setup so it doesn’t all fit anymore so I usually just do a separate tent with humidity control in the coldest spot I can find/create in the house
    Hey Man! I'm currently running CP and Bath Saltz from LIT, wondering if you had some time to chat about your experience so far with the CP?
    What's going on with the naming process over at LIT? "wondering if you had some time to chat about your experience so far with the CP?" made me laugh pretty hard.
    Hahaha, I genuinely dislike saying/typing 'Champagne Papi', I think it's such a crap name! CP will have to do!
    why?! i think its a great name hahaha
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