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  • Hey Busy I transplanted already is it too late too add all the recommendations you gave me to the soil, if not how would I go about adding them, I don't want to disturb the plants too much as I already put them through a transplant. How would I loosen up the soil now, I have them in 3 gallon smart pots. Thanks brother you've been a bunch of help. I cant wait too get this one under my belt.
    Hey man saw you grew a berry ryder. Have 2 going right now. Were yours really small and bushy? Mines at 2 week (check my journal of you want) but they seem mad small . Did yours just take off all the sudden ? How's the smoke from them? I see you said it only took just over 60 days to harvest
    Yes I did a berry Ryder, it's in my pocket as I write this. Lol . It was twice the size as my kiwi seeds autos, yet still only gave me a zip dry. I say that same thing, mine don't get tall in beginning, but b Ryder really jumped at about 40 days believe it or not. Bud smells of baseball cards bubble gum from back in the day, when you break it smells fruity, loaded with crystal, bomb weed definitely.
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