Larry {the} Gardener

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  • Did you make any poppers? .She burnt them, the neighbors bitched and moaned, we'll try again when neighbors absent and thanks again
    "I'm up here in the panhandle. I'm in the epicenter of Dothan, Panama City and Tallahassee. About an hour from each. I do have all four seasons here in the northern part of the state, although some of them are shorter than others." We must be very close, However I recently moved about an hr east to the big city. I do have plenty of Family back home though. Nice to come across someone from my area on the interwebz!
    Larry {the} Gardener
    Larry {the} Gardener
    These days Tally is the big city. If I have to go to a real town for shopping, I prefer Panama City. But that can be a bitch too with summer traffic. I see the Highway 69 sign once in a while, so we must have been pretty close.
    howdy I lived in deland fl for many years and have kids and grandkids there and grew all around the area
    Larry {the} Gardener
    Larry {the} Gardener
    My wife is headed in that general direction today. She has a week long conference at Clearwater Beach.

    I'm up here in the panhandle. I'm in the epicenter of Dothan, Panama City and Tallahassee. About an hour from each. I do have all four seasons here in the northern part of the state, although some of them are shorter than others.

    One thing I hear we have in common is lots and lots of bugs.
    You know I've been gardening since I was 5. Always have been growing some vegi or another in a garden out back. I'm a noob to growing cannabis, but sure seems to me there are some huge similarities to growing veg's.
    Larry {the} Gardener
    Larry {the} Gardener
    True. I am always pushing the limit in the garden. I have stunted a few pumpkin and cantaloupe transplants in the last couple of weeks with too hot soil mixes. Also came close to burning some sweet corn with liquid plant food. But I use that information when growing in the woods.

    {I didn't see this until a few minutes ago. I only log on at work, and my Alerts is always full as hell}
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