Recent content by ArnauVM

  1. ArnauVM

    CLU048-1212C4-353H5M3-F1 with HLG-185H-C1050B

    Dude that cleared my hanging and dimming doubts and even helped with my temp and humidity set up I'll definitely cheking Sonoff. Thank you so much.
  2. ArnauVM

    CLU048-1212C4-353H5M3-F1 with HLG-185H-C1050B

    Hey guys, I'm ready to start my first cob grow but one or two questions in mind as I've never used them: During veg and with this set up, how much would you dim the cobs and which height would you hang them? During flower full power but which hight should I hang them? I don't have any way to...
  3. ArnauVM

    CLU048-1212C4-353H5M3-F1 with HLG-185H-C1050B

    Yes I was going to go with the star shaped 2020 alu bars anodizied in red with anodisized black heatsinks. It's going to look cool
  4. ArnauVM

    CLU048-1212C4-353H5M3-F1 with HLG-185H-C1050B

    I know thank you but I'll have to build a custom frame for an even distribuition of 10 cobs.
  5. ArnauVM

    CLU048-1212C4-353H5M3-F1 with HLG-185H-C1050B

    I really apprecite your comment and the time you spend. You cleared every doubt I had left thank you so much. Much love from Spain.
  6. ArnauVM

    CLU048-1212C4-353H5M3-F1 with HLG-185H-C1050B

    Would you guys use angleine reflectors in this setup? I dont think they are needed due to the fact that I'll be using 10 cobs in a 3.3'x3.3' so coverage will be good. However I would like to hear ppl with more knowledge.
  7. ArnauVM

    CLU048-1212C4-353H5M3-F1 with HLG-185H-C1050B

    Thank you so much. I really appreciate the comments. Having ppl support your thoughts is always a good thing thank you so much guys.
  8. ArnauVM

    CLU048-1212C4-353H5M3-F1 with HLG-185H-C1050B

    Thank you @Porky101 any thoughts on how to distribute 10 cobs evenly in a 1m2 square (3.3'x3.3')
  9. ArnauVM

    CLU048-1212C4-353H5M3-F1 with HLG-185H-C1050B

    Hey guys I was wondering if what I had in mind would be a good idea for a 3.3'x3.3' tent (1m2 tent). I would like to run 2 HLG-185H-C1050B (runs at 190V) with 5 CLU048-1212C4-353H5M3-F1 (Fv≃34V) cobs each. That would be, if I'm not mistaken, that each cob would be runnig at 38V giving...
  10. ArnauVM

    CLU048-1212C4-353H5M3-F1 with HLG-185H-C1050B

    That is a good set up with good efficciency but I think 250w at the wall is not enough for a 90x90cm but I could be wrong. It is not a bad choice I just think that you could fit a little more Watts.
  11. ArnauVM

    CLU048-1212C4-353H5M3-F1 with HLG-185H-C1050B

    Do i copy the post and repost it there? Thx
  12. ArnauVM

    CLU048-1212C4-353H5M3-F1 with HLG-185H-C1050B

    Hey guys I was wondering if what I had in mind would be a good idea for a 3.3'x3.3' tent (1m2 tent). I would like to run 2 HLG-185H-C1050B (runs at 190V) with 5 CLU048-1212C4-353H5M3-F1 (Fv≃34V) cobs each. That would be, if I'm not mistaken, that each cob would be runnig at 38V giving...