Recent content by AsharakWize

  1. A

    When to harvest my Sativa

    Dude I'm growing this for my mom mostly, she loves having a puff before sleep, so thank you for the warning. I'll have to try some before letting her smoke :D Thanks dude, I'll post an update in two weeks then. Hopefully mites wont return.
  2. A

    When to harvest my Sativa

    I put her inside while taking care of mites & chopping that one bud. Its usually outside on the balcony. Btw, about your previous comment, why'd you think it could cause paranoia?
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    When to harvest my Sativa

    Yeah, I've had mites on her, but chopped those leaves that were infested yesterday hoping it will be enough. Although, I thought I was closer to harvest so I wanted to avoid using neem oil... I guess i could use it now since it needs that much more time?
  4. A

    When to harvest my Sativa

    Hey fellas, I kinda felt like a masochistic monster chopping one of her flowers, but I just couldn't resist the temptation. Can you tell me how much this beauty has left? Here are two pictures of the plant and one of the harvested and wet trimmed bud hanged out to dry. She's been flowering for...