Recent content by atm420

  1. atm420

    bodhi seeds

    Going to be running my Dazzleberry in my next go. Seems like she's going to be a monster. I currently have her in my mother tent as a potential keeper and she just towers above the rest. She's a node shorter then the rest too! In the foreground is 3 Headed Dragon x Long Bottom Fighter. What...
  2. atm420

    PM or scale on clones?

    On Wednesday, I took a total of 9 cuttings from 2 plants and put them into a cloner. This is my first time ever using the cloner. In the past I always just stuck the cutting into a Rapid Rooter and let it take root. This morning, I went to change out the water and noticed this white stuff on...
  3. atm420

    Back to the drawing board

    Thanks @smokinrav for responding. The only thing that I haven't really put a whole lot of thought into is odor control. In my current flower cabinet, I have a 6" fan and filter that has done well for the past couple of grows. I know it's probably due to be changed. I'm sure that by putting them...
  4. atm420

    Back to the drawing board

    Hi all, I've been debating whether or not I should completely change my setup or just stick with what I have. Right now, I have a small 24"x30" tent that I use to keep a couple of mothers in and then veg and flower in a cabinet that I built in a closet in the garage which is slightly larger...
  5. atm420

    I think i broke her while supercropping.

    I usually wait until they have reached 6 nodes before I top, then another 4 nodes on the new growth before bending her over. They are very resilient plants and can recover well even if it is done early on. I have seen people supercrop at 2 nodes before. That seems a little young to me, but...
  6. atm420

    BroScience Bullshit - Post here

    It supposedly reduces the surface area of the leaf to reduce transpiration. Whether or not there are any studies on it, I never searched.
  7. atm420

    Trying To Keep It In Balance

    That's what I was wondering. Thank you for that. Since it is a coco coir mix, I just assumed she wanted more calcium, so I bumped the cal-mag up a little earlier in the week. I'll try backing off a little with the 2 that seem to be giving me issues & see if that helps.
  8. atm420

    Trying To Keep It In Balance

    With the new growth looking healthy, do you think that the problem will continue or should I just keep an eye on it?
  9. atm420

    Trying To Keep It In Balance

    Yes, thanks! I realize that, but how do I correct it? It already has gypsum in the mix for calcium, & with my EC already at 0.8 with only Cal-Mag in it, something has to be locking it out that I can't figure out.
  10. atm420

    Trying To Keep It In Balance

    Hi All, I have been growing 3 plants that were sprouted from seed a little over 3 weeks ago, seeds dropped Jan. 9, 2021, and sprouted above ground on the 11th and 12th. I was in hopes of finding potential mother plants to take clones from. They were planted into a Rapid Rooters which were set...
  11. atm420

    How to attach Panda Film to Foam Board Insulation?

    Tyvek tape is what I used on one of my rooms. It seems to be holding very well, and it can be removed from most surfaces relatively easily when you want to take it off.
  12. atm420

    bodhi seeds

    Just checked past posts, and yes, it looks as if it is supposed to be today
  13. atm420

    bodhi seeds

    Found these earlier today on my Dazzleberry! Looks like a female to me, but not 100% sure yet.
  14. atm420

    What do you see here?

    Since you still have some time till harvest, have you checked for any male flowers? Somehow, you had at least one pollen grain made it into your flower room. May be chance, more than likely intersexed traits! Otherwise, she looks amazing!
  15. atm420

    bodhi seeds

    Have been growing a few different strains from a few different reputable breeders this go around. Thanks to @Bad Dawg for his Christmas gift, I have Bodhi Dazzleberry and 3 Headed Dragon x Long Bottom Fighter to try out. I also have Oni's Wilson!Zero going. So far, I have run into a few...