Recent content by Augtell

  1. Augtell

    Auto-Flower Short plants

    Yes, next plants will be photo period. Thanks!
  2. Augtell

    Auto-Flower Short plants

    Yeah I think I may have messed up on the PH first few weeks. That’s a funny story about your short auto. Thanks for your insight!
  3. Augtell

    Auto-Flower Short plants

    Thanks for your insight.
  4. Augtell

    Auto-Flower Short plants

    Still working how to defoliate and lollipop, and doing it at the correct time, may have did it too soon. Thanks for the insight.
  5. Augtell

    Auto-Flower Short plants

    20 hours on 4 hours off.
  6. Augtell

    Auto-Flower Short plants

    Im reading PPFD. Thanks!
  7. Augtell

    Auto-Flower Short plants

    Glad to hear auto’s are generally shorter. Here are some more pics of the buds. Thanks!
  8. Augtell

    Auto-Flower Short plants

    Hello! Newbie grower here. On my third grow, first one hit the finish line, second crashed and burned. It’s my first Auto Flower and have noticed that the plants are very short. Buds seem to be forming nicely but they look like small bonsai trees. Is this due to of the genetics or is there...