Recent content by AZhydrogrow

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    Not sure if nute burn or to close to light......HELP(first time grow)

    You can easily save it. You have nutrient toxicity. Seriously go to the store and by la Croix sparkling water any flavor. Mix it 1.1 with purified bottled water. This will get you readings around 65 to 75 ppm of calcium, nitrogen, and phosphorus and a pH of 5.5 with sparkling at 4.5 and purified...
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    Not sure if nute burn or to close to light......HELP(first time grow)

    My cutting loves the water more than anything in the past. I'm literally having to add 10 ml of water Evey few hours now which I'm blown away.
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    Not sure if nute burn or to close to light......HELP(first time grow)

    Sorry for all the spelling errors. I'm super high and using my talk to text app. It's not the best hahah
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    Not sure if nute burn or to close to light......HELP(first time grow)

    I had a cutting from the main stock that I put directly into a can of sparkling water with a few drops of pH up to bring the readings to 75ppm, 6.2 pH, 69f water temp. After 24 hours it had strated a root system! I had two people on here call me out saying im full of shit and lying about when it...
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    Not sure if nute burn or to close to light......HELP(first time grow)

    You can easily save it. You have nutrient toxicity. Seriously go to the store and by la Croix sparkling water any flavor. Mix it 1.1 with purified bottled water. This will get you readings around 65 to 75 ppm of calcium, nitrogen, and phosphorus and a pH of 5.5 with sparkling at 4.5 and purified...
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    Not sure if nute burn or to close to light......HELP(first time grow)

    Yeah why not? This is a hobby so its supposed to be interesting and challenging and fun. What's the harm in finding out new methods and treatments especially if they end up working? If it worked, he could have another method of prevention for future grows and a better understanding of a medium...
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    New grower few questions

    Make sure your soil is very very loose don't pack it down whatsoever. I use like a pencil or a pen and make a quarter inch deep hole. Drop the seed in and very lightly roll the soil back over to cover the seed. Water the soil and keep it moist which takes very little water to maintain.
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    New grower few questions

    Yeah man that's mother nature's method. All these other methods are just what we as growers create to implement what's happening in nature
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    Not sure if nute burn or to close to light......HELP(first time grow)

    What does that even mean In this situation?? Is there ever a time to just let your plant die if it can be saved? I guess we have different views on the horticulturist's purpose. So if I were to answer that directly, yes one should always do something and attempt everything if it means the...
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    New grower few questions

    Paper towel method Paper towel method is tried and true. It guarantees seed germination under right conditions
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    Not sure if nute burn or to close to light......HELP(first time grow)

    You can easily save it. You have nutrient toxicity. Seriously go to the store and by la Croix sparkling water any flavor. Mix it 1.1 with purified bottled water. This will get you readings around 65 to 75 ppm of calcium, nitrogen, and phosphorus and a pH of 5.5 with sparkling at 4.5 and purified...
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    Plant ER! Nutrient lockout, Root Rot, deficiencies or toxicity!

    Yeah I have tried everything at this point tho. When I started to notice the issues, I restarted with distilled water and half the amount of nutrients recommended. I then would add small doses of cal mag or nitrogen or calcium or whatever I could until a change, but nothing. Both of my plants...
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    Plant ER! Nutrient lockout, Root Rot, deficiencies or toxicity!

    I've been having constant issues with my two plants ever since I started. I had them in a dwc with no problems the first week and now constant deficiencies that I can't fix. I'm completely new to growing but I have a lot of knowledge on the subject. I will post everything with pictures, please...