True, but technically, under law, it’s still seen as an abortion.
The removal of a fetus that has not reached the end of its gestation period, dead or alive, is an abortion in many states.
I wouldn’t put my faith into the 3 Super Skunks that you recommend.
The Dutch/Euro banks lost most of their good genetics a decade or more ago.
Dutch Passion just attaches a popular name to some no name seeds and lets you find out the hard way.
If someone is actually looking for some Super...
Thank you for explaining it for me @Missingthe90’sStrains.
The main difference is the gunpowder versus a CO2 cartridge.
By definition of law, gunpowder based weapons are considered lethal.
CO2 based weapons, in a worst case scenario, are considered “less lethal”, which means they may do harm...
Maybe I wasn’t being clear enough when I originally posted, so thank you for taking the time to word it better.
Cannabis/Hemp Grow + Firearms = Bad News.
That’s why I recommended the HDR-50, it gives you some real defense in case of attack, but can’t get you in trouble with the law if it’s...
Hello everyone!
My collection has grown too big and it’s time for me to part with some seeds, that I’d rather see go to good use, than keep sitting in my fridge.
All packs are fully intact have never been opened.
Please feel free to DM any questions.
The store is open!
I’m not sure what state you’re in but I would not recommend a firearm.
Why? Because local law enforcement is not reliable, the laws may state one thing, but the cops may decide to do whatever they want.
We’ve all heard the horror stories of smokers and growers who’ve had nightmare encounters...
Unfortunately, ocean water is a bad choice for putting out fires.
It’s salt water, and once enough of it soaks into the soil, nothing will be able to grow there again.
That’s why they always use lakes and rivers (fresh water) to put out wildfires.
I think we’re well past the point of the 14th Amendment clause.
Whether or not Section 3 applies to Donnie should have been decided on during the primaries.
The people have cast their votes and there’s no going back now.
Many on the right would see it as the Biden Administration trying to retain...
If Putin was going to go that route, he would have done it by now.
Besides, who needs the Russia military when you’ve got the “leader of the free world” in your pocket.
Vlad will be just fine.
Funny thing is, I think we quietly annexed Mexico in 1995, when the Clinton administration bailed out the Mexican economy for $50 billion.
Call my theory crazy but it makes sense as to why undocumented folks have been allowed to enter, and stay in the US, without the legal system too involved in...