Recent content by Bagginski

  1. Bagginski

    Examples of GOP Leadership

    A vulnerability forced upon him or done in his name - or perhaps his ‘Kremlin bones’? Whatever, this guy/posse/organization have gone too far, we should have caught a clue from The Manchurian Candidate & realized some would certainly try something adjacent to it eventually, leading directly to...
  2. Bagginski

    Examples of GOP Leadership

    He could be out w/ the rest of the team, looking for evil to do
  3. Bagginski

    Examples of GOP Leadership

    F-‘47… I like it
  4. Bagginski


    So, Purge World? Take what you want, kill who you want, be as big an asshole as the pros? If they don’t like your targets, won’t they take you out, too?
  5. Bagginski

    Examples of GOP Leadership

    It was illegal what he did with the historic DC post office…nothing was done, it doesn’t even get mentioned
  6. Bagginski

    Examples of GOP Leadership

    Typical…of MAGA’s weak-kneed “strength” - w/out a powerful bully as patron, they’re treacherous; *with* a patron bully, they’re unbelievable - as Nazi Germany proved *in SPADES* their entire time in power…and our neo-brute squad here is only limited by the individual cowardice of the individual...
  7. Bagginski

    Examples of GOP Leadership

    They’re aggressively NOT over it now… ‘Beware the ignorant & stupid, for they are *death* to their opposites’
  8. Bagginski

    Propaganda or real?

  9. Bagginski

    Examples of GOP Leadership

    I wish I was surprised…but since the “libertarian” tax-revolt of the 80s-90s grew directly from the confederate-state rejection of school desegregation at taxpayer expense in the 50s. It really HAS been about race all along…I guess enslavement of Africans really did “ennoble” the white race in...
  10. Bagginski

    Examples of GOP Leadership

    So, their “color-blind society” has only one ‘color’ it will officially notice
  11. Bagginski

    Examples of Democratic Party leadership

    Nancy Mace is a bad actor - and a bad actress She must have attended the Alina Habba Institute for Professional Fakes
  12. Bagginski

    Examples of Democratic Party leadership

    …so…who’s in danger here?
  13. Bagginski

    Examples of Democratic Party leadership

    Because they haven’t been LOOKING for *fraud*…they’ve been looking for *headlines*
  14. Bagginski

    Examples of Democratic Party leadership

  15. Bagginski

    Stuff that doesn't really fit in either "Examples of" thread....

    Oh yes…I want to see this!!! I want to see the *VIKINGS* come for him, for the tyrant, for the MAGAdonian Umpire & all his fucking ilk