Recent content by Ballzinga69420

  1. B

    Seedling slow growth and light green leaves

    Hahaha yeah I cant help but keep checking on them all the time. They haven't come back at all since i popped the perlite down but I'll water it with some peroxide in a couple of days in case they laid eggs in there to take care of the larvae. It hasnt been super cold, lowest its been was...
  2. B

    Seedling slow growth and light green leaves

    Thanks for the diagnosis. Would I be alright to keep watering with silica or would you suggest I give them just water on its own for a while?
  3. B

    Seedling slow growth and light green leaves

    Ive popped them into a couple of solo cups and by the looks of it i didn't have enough perlite in the mixture either. Thanks again for the help
  4. B

    Seedling slow growth and light green leaves

    Nah ive got perlite mixed through the soil as well as a top dressing. I'll grab some cups or smaller pots from the shops now. Thanks for the advice
  5. B

    Seedling slow growth and light green leaves

    Pretty Big. I think its either 4 or 5 gallons. I read that with autos it was good to start them in there final pot but a lot of people on here stated that its still better to transplant them. Would you recommend that i move them into something smaller? Thanks
  6. B

    Seedling slow growth and light green leaves

    Hey guys, Im doing my first grow but it seems that one of my seedlings is growing quite a slower then the other and is a light green. Im growing tangie matic and its been a week since germination. I was hoping maybe someone might be able to give me some help figuring out whats wrong with the...