beni boy
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  • By signs of males do you mean little yellow bananas?(Hermies)
    If so, I feel for you.
    My suggestion to you is pay attention to every detail!
    What I mean is, your going to need to examine every bud in your room every day in order to insure sensimillia(Seedless).
    Scour over the buds and pick off any and all of the little banana shaped dicks.
    If you stay on top of this you will still have some great bud.
    If for some reason you don't think you can take the time out of everyday to sit down with your girls. Then I would suggest harvesting early.
    What strain is it? Do you have any pics?
    heya bro. overall nice lookin plant in my eyes. couple thoughts: do u know strain? possible nut o.d or water lack of? whats it grown in? no.2 grow looks ") all g! hows it doin now week so down line?
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