Recent content by bez420

  1. bez420

    Dabbing LOOKS too "addicted"

    No Boofing! Nikki Six tells a great story about Stevie Nixx.
  2. bez420

    Dabbing LOOKS too "addicted"

    I use Smok for my nicotine. Do they make good mobile rigs?
  3. bez420

    Dabbing LOOKS too "addicted"

    Yeah you might just burn your crackhead as up like Richard Pryor!
  4. bez420

    Dabbing LOOKS too "addicted"

    It still makes me paranoid, like I'm doing something wrong. Yeah dude they're called wax pens. Many many different brands and helps to being incognito. The Atmos Company has several well working devices. Now I prefer to go with the Yocan guys. There's a lot out there!
  5. bez420

    Cant get e-juice strong

    I've been thinking of trying that for many years, Rosin Shatter! Have been discouraged in the past by the question of. "Why would you want to create a solventless extract, and then add a solvent?" So my next question for you sir is. Can I use a terpene mix to liquify QWET enough to work well in...
  6. bez420

    Cant get e-juice strong

    I believe BHO or Rosin have a higher THC count than QWET. They would probably make a stronger mixture. I could be wrong though. So Fadedawg, my plan is to use this already pretty runny Rosin I pressed from OG. Mixing it with some OG terpenes instead of using any PG/VG or PEG. I'll be getting...
  7. bez420

    Cleanest/Best concentrates in (North Eastern) Oklahoma?

    So we can sell our extra to a processor. He can then use our material to process and sell to a dispensary. But a patient call only buy the processed medicine back from a dispensary? Is that the way it works? SMH?!
  8. bez420

    Winterization of Chlorophyll

    Does that mean that when I extract lower than C-22, some Cannabinoids won't be extracted into my solvent?
  9. bez420

    Cleanest/Best concentrates in (North Eastern) Oklahoma?

    So a patient can't legally take his material to a processor for a 50/50 split? I guess a patient has to process his own? I also recently moved up here. Haven't had that problem. I not only brought all my different extraction tools and machines, but have upgraded most of them since getting legal...
  10. bez420

    "Yellow Dragon" cold alcohol extraction...can you do multiple washes? If so how much?

    Good thought. I'd say it's a worthy test to find out, especially if you've got plenty of material. I wouldn't want to just throw it away after just one wash though. At least wash the same material twice to see what's left. Unless your on a shortage of alcohol, then I'd probably save it for a later.
  11. bez420

    Diy rosin press

    I didn't think it would need to be decarbed. Usually needed for edibles, not vaping. Now I noticed that you don't seem to be mixing with extra terps, or glycerin. Is that the reason you decarb it?
  12. bez420

    Diy rosin press

    So you make Rosin Carts? I haven't made any kind of carts yet. But this is next on my to do list. I've got a lot of runny flower rosin. It's good and potent, just came from some aged OG Kush. Hard to get what it's worth out of it since being so dark and runny. I figure my best chance of coming...
  13. bez420

    Green dragon white stuff (if in wrong section lmk)

    Cool, you can filter out wax faster than evaporating sticky water. Get it cold!
  14. bez420

    Diy rosin press

    Dude, Fade Dawg AKA Greywolf is the shizznitt when it comes to DIY! I just don't have the patience in this point of my life, sucks. I keep messing stuff up now a days when I try to work on my trucks, boat, or bike. I think I'll start blaming it on my vision, lol!