Recent content by BigFreeSpirit420

  1. BigFreeSpirit420

    Still trying to figure this site out, so any great advice to a beginner, let´s have ´em :D

    Still trying to figure this site out, so any great advice to a beginner, let´s have ´em :D
  2. BigFreeSpirit420

    Week 1 complete

    Good luck :)
  3. BigFreeSpirit420

    What are my leaves trying to tell me pointing down?

    I would also guess too much N :) Nice plant :clap:
  4. BigFreeSpirit420

    Over defoliation and Naked plant

    I agree :D
  5. BigFreeSpirit420

    Hello fellow growers :)

    Thank you very much guys :)
  6. BigFreeSpirit420

    Hello fellow growers :)

    Looking for a place where I can both seek experience and share my own, and found Rollitup, so I hope you will welcome me and maybe help me a little on the right path here :) I have grown outdoors for quite a few years, but have turned to indoors instead for the last 2 almost 3 years. Have...