Recent content by BigSco508

  1. BigSco508

    Masonic Seeds

    Where did order from ? That is a very big statement you just made !! I don't even care for Masonic but your positive you ordered from his Real website if so do you have proof for your sake i hope so. Also you better be able to post interaction screen shots making statements like that !
  2. BigSco508


    I'm glad someone can get their seeds to germinate been struggling no matter the breeder kinda sad . Looking good tho boss !!
  3. BigSco508


    On a couple Tester's i had 2 that did but it may have been a stress/ humidity issue on my end because AC shut down .
  4. BigSco508

    Mass Medical Strains

    Oh shit he found the Real Deal RKS ? This guy has a plug for everything !
  5. BigSco508

    Can anyone confirm TOP DOG seeds on Instagram is real?

    I just don't understand why people just randomly send $$ to people on IG without doing their homework on the account or breeder first it just don't make any sense to me . :roll: 1. JJ / Top Dawg has been in the game for a long time he has no need to sell on IG . 2. JJ has many trusted seed...
  6. BigSco508

    LIt Farms

    They better be real exclusive for $350 now a days.
  7. BigSco508

    What Breeder would you label "The Saint of Cannabis" today?

    lol i was unaware Big Bern breed a fucking thing? :wall: Oh this must be who made the most $$ of renaming the same cut over and over . If that is the case then yep Big Perm wins for sure !
  8. BigSco508

    Thug pug genetics anyone?

    Dam that is a good friend idk if i could have parted with those Carl's shoes even if it was family !
  9. BigSco508

    Sunken Treasure Seeds

    The High Mac F1 i would not sell for less a G period .
  10. BigSco508


    My new keeper cut of Divinity #35 x Dip'N Stix is the real deal !
  11. BigSco508


    Looks like some real flame nice !
  12. BigSco508

    Thug pug genetics anyone?

    Hope they pop for you boss !
  13. BigSco508

    Thug pug genetics anyone?

    Nope i said he is currently making Fems something he has rarely if ever done .
  14. BigSco508

    Thug pug genetics anyone?

    He currently making fem's now
  15. BigSco508

    Thug pug genetics anyone?

    Regs Boss