Recent content by bizfactory

  1. bizfactory

    R.O water PH TLO/Notill

    I water with tap filtered through a sediment then catalytic carbon. It's 9 before and after. I don't pH at all. I don't really like how wasteful RO is, but I'd try it as is, and only adjust if you need to.
  2. bizfactory

    Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

    Here is some Unicorn Poop bred by Thug Pug in 11th cycle no till living soil. This is day 68 and I will probably harvest in the next two days. Had a lil run in with thrips but some predatory mites seemed to handle them pretty well.
  3. bizfactory

    Captain Jack's Deadbug - Any Bad Experiences Out There?

    Good shit but if you are spraying outside, do it early in the morning before bees are out.
  4. bizfactory


    Just to be clear, charcoal is not biochar. Make/buy some real biochar, don't mess with grilling charcoal.
  5. bizfactory

    Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

    Why not just get a 3x3 bed like so: I know BuildASoil is doing 100g fabric pots in a 4x4 on their instagram. You lose a lot of height that way so if you want to do multiple containers do...
  6. bizfactory

    ***SONOFF - WiFi Wireless Smart Switch***

    Yeah after I couldn't connect to the Itead servers for several days, I decided to go custom. In a recent release of Tasmota they added a scheduler / timer feature so you can set the schedule and not have to worry about wifi going in and out.
  7. bizfactory

    ***SONOFF - WiFi Wireless Smart Switch***

    If you upgrade to version 1.6 or higher you can't flash over the air but you still can flash with a physical device, forget what that's called though. All the ones I've bought, as recently as 2 month ago, came with firmware less than 1.6 so it's been no problem. I'm not sure they are actively...
  8. bizfactory

    Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

    Sounds perfect dude! Looks good too.
  9. bizfactory

    Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

    In theory, they should keep the soil the same moisture regardless of the temp / sun. When first setting them up, hand water the containers first. Then set up the carrots and open them all the way up to purge any air bubbles in the lines. Once they are kicking out a clean flow of water, dial...
  10. bizfactory

    ***SONOFF - WiFi Wireless Smart Switch***

    You don't need to do any coding, just configuration. Anyways, here's the automation for one of my lights. My automations.yaml is much bigger but this should give you an idea. - id: turn_on_cxb alias: "Turn on CXB" trigger: - platform: time at: '06:00:00' action: - service...
  11. bizfactory

    ***SONOFF - WiFi Wireless Smart Switch***

    I went with raspbian lite and a python virtual environment. It's all the same code in the end, just how it gets there is different.
  12. bizfactory

    ***SONOFF - WiFi Wireless Smart Switch***

    SD cards are shit. I'm sure that's the problem. Just sucks to have to wait!
  13. bizfactory

    ***SONOFF - WiFi Wireless Smart Switch***

    Eh, maybe. What is happening? If you are storing history data for sensors that are polling frequently it will add up kinda quickly but 8gb should be enough to write the image to and boot up.
  14. bizfactory

    ***SONOFF - WiFi Wireless Smart Switch***

    The unflashed one I have was offline for 3 days last week! That's why the rest have all been flashed with Tasmota and controlled by Home Assistant. Kinda a pain but I like not relying on Itead.