Recent content by blindman2345

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    sealed room, positive pressure and heat issues

    I feel for the amount of lights u are using 14000 BTU isn't enough to really cool the room u have in the room efficiently. I think a spilt unit would do wonders for each of your rooms.
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    sealed room, positive pressure and heat issues

    and yes ur geting hella postive air pressure how much BTU r ur units
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    sealed room, positive pressure and heat issues

    sealed rooms ive always had a problem with portable air conditioner when it came to heat never really cooled anything since the unit itself creates heat its just no to effective when it comes to cooling a spilt or window unit is the way to go.
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    Electric Sky LEDs

    reddit is a good place for drop info
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    How often should I be watering in this stage?

    feel how heavy your solo cup is if it feels light give a little water. its best to let the cup dry out a little before watering again mostly in the seedling stage. in a solo cup at that stage should take a couple days depending on what your temps and humidity is as the plant grows you will have...
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    Fixing cal-mag deficiency

    why would u flush if u have a deficiency? Cal Mag is something u can add most of your grow i do it every other feeding with my feed. yes you can add it to your fox farm line. Cal mag is something you should be adding throughout your entire grow. If you have 3 weeks left into flower you can give...
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    Need Ideas or help with grow room

    i most likely plan on doing a sealed room with co2 and AC with dehumide
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    Need Ideas or help with grow room

    right now im gonna stick to dirt cause thats what i know best hydro is something im looking into the future gotta do more research on hydro.
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    Need Ideas or help with grow room

    Budget is around 3500-5000
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    Need Ideas or help with grow room

    Also only really ever grown in soil so don't know much about hydroponics.
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    Need Ideas or help with grow room

    so recently i was able to get a grow room going or multiple grow rooms going. I've been a smaller hobby grower and wanted to take the next big step to having a grow room. Grow space for the first from room is roughly around 15ftx12ftx8ft. second room is around 20ftx15ftx8ft. Was wondering what...
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    Any idea what this could be

    Recently cut off the top havent watered in 2 days
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    Watering help just an...
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    Watering help

    that should work if your watering outside.
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    Bag seeds

    So I found seeds in my weed if I grow it out will it be the same as the weed I'm smoking or will it change