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  • Sounds great to me man! I'd run the 6" intake cus u can always use a duct reducer if smell became a problem and u need more neg pressure.. Sounds fuckin outstanding tho!
    Had light on last night with air on and it got to 75 3' below the light. Left light on this morning and turned air off, checked at noon today and it got to 85. Going to check right now see what temp is. Light is off and fan is running. Should be around 70 I hope! 15 degree swing with no air on 70 to 85, NICE! The move is scheduled for tomorrow! Haven't got veg/mother space ready, but I want to get girls under new light!
    Fan and light and ac are all on right now. Going to shut off before bed tonight, tomorrow will be first test run. That's probably 25 hours this weekend!
    Yup run insulated from filter to light to fan to reduce heat.. Start with light atleast 2' above plants... Lol yes great work but gets hectic lol
    How high above plants is your light? My mother/ veg area is going to be 2' wide x 8' long x 4' tall. Will also have smaller space for clones probably around 2 x 2 x 2.
    insulated duct between fan and light? I have to transplant clones to! Fuck I have work to do. But what good work to have
    my mothers are out of control with some shoots getting burnt to shit lol.. need to keep up on trimming them better lol not a big deal as there still producing new shoots.. might be time to think about starting new mothers and maybe just doing them in soil so i can drop them on to the ground to get more head room in veg cab
    goodies arive yet? holy shit just looked at the girls today been pry 4 days and they are doing incredible! alot better than last run! my ph meter went to shit already so i broke down and ordered a $110 bluelab ph pen! cant wait should be here tomarrow! most important tool for hydro so i figured its worth it rather than buying a bunch of 20 dollar ones
    if lights ever ran to hot which i highly doubt room temp will get that hot with cooler air intake.. you can use 2 exhaust fans and run 1 cold air intake through the light and run another fan to create a passive intake aswell..
    make sure intake is on opposite side of room as the filter (not the fan) sense the air is being sucked through the filter
    normally you would not need to run ducting for intake.. but since your pulling from another room and not from the direct air outside the room.. i only run a little ducting for my intake on the inside of room so that i can put a few bends in it to block the light from shinning out of my intake..
    hopefully this all makes sense.. lol
    lol yea it gets hectic! make sure you have a decent amount of root.. also yes 2 seperate intakes.. 2 times to intake.. so it could be a 12" hole or whatever.. but since ur running duct from seperate room i wld just run 2.. unless you can get 12" ducting? dont know if they make it that big? and intakes are not connected to anything.. and dont use a fan to pull in the intake.. u want negative pressure so that it creates a passive intake system.. (a suction on the room sucking the air in.. that way theres no way smell can leak through pin holes, etc..) exhaust ducting only runs from filter-hood-exhaust blowing out.. DO NOT CONNECT TO INTAKE.. hang filter up high and intake down low on opposite ends.. intake air will be sucked in and across the room from the exhaust..
    Br is budding like crazy all 3 other ones are starting to bud too! Just checked clones, holy roots batman! 6 0f 8 are going to soil tomorrow.
    Should be able to run 5 gal for sure maybe 7 gallon pots. Thinking 5 to give me more room to work, should be plenty big enough.
    Ya I was thinking maybe 6 to 8 mothers. How big of pots? I think I can add a shelf and get that done. Im going with 8 plants, 2 per screen on a dolly. Should
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