Recent content by bobbytables

  1. bobbytables

    Hola from PA

    good luck! I still smoke traditional joints, but I'm considering the change
  2. bobbytables

    I germinated 12 seeds from Trikoma Seeds, Barcelona

    I decided to keep only 4 seedlings for many reasons I believe there was root rot happening in the germination phase. Some of the seedling recovered, many didn't. Also many of the seeds displayed abnormal genetics (Bocanegra) So far 3 wendys and 1 bocanegra alive. note to self: root need...
  3. bobbytables

    I germinated 12 seeds from Trikoma Seeds, Barcelona

    Slow progress, but still progress kPA is higher than 1,16, I should aim at 0,8 Today I added an old humidifier to the game, let's see how things progress.
  4. bobbytables

    I germinated 12 seeds from Trikoma Seeds, Barcelona

    A sunny day is always great to buffer some coco! 70 grams calcium nitrate 20 grams epson salt 100 liters washed coco coir around 100 liters of tap water
  5. bobbytables

    I germinated 12 seeds from Trikoma Seeds, Barcelona

    Situation: Damp cotton pads 3 Bocanegra abortions 3 Bocanegra germinated 6 Wendys germinated Root rot Steps taken: Pressed cotton pads to remove excess moisture carefully not to squeeze roots
  6. bobbytables

    I germinated 12 seeds from Trikoma Seeds, Barcelona

    12h have passed and so far only 1 Wendy taproot is visible. I transfered it to a humid cotton pad sandwich and put it in a plastic bag. Plastic bag has a small opening to provide o2 + co2 exchange It is in the dark I will repeat this process with all seeds, keeping them in 2 separate plastic...
  7. bobbytables

    I germinated 12 seeds from Trikoma Seeds, Barcelona

    if you are reading you may interact however your prefer, feel free to speak.
  8. bobbytables

    I germinated 12 seeds from Trikoma Seeds, Barcelona

    In 12 small cups with water and 1% H2O2 I will veg them indoors and flower in 50% filtered sun Strains are 6 Wendy and 6 Bocanegra from Trikoma Seeds, Barcelona. They are backed by Pyramid seeds genetics I think. Temperature of basement is 27 C always. Humidity is 70% most of the time.
  9. bobbytables

    I'm a stoned 30 year old virgin

    the reason sex is good is because it drives humanity forwards. no sex means no babies. it's the only thing men and women agree upon. lately sex comes with having money, and power to attract females. it is no longer a means for raising a family. unless of course a girl finds you're interesting...
  10. bobbytables

    Paulistinha supersoil

    Ok, update to this recipe. Diagnosis: For two/three days I had runoff above 1000 PPM which is far from acceptable for a soil that is supposed to be enriched over time. I also found soil to have high pH -> 7.6 which also sucks. I am slowly decreasing pH with this method: Fix How to decrease...
  11. bobbytables

    Paulistinha supersoil

    So in my head I've got the microorganisms inside bokashi and the food in biochar. Compost could also work. For aeration I am focusing on rice husks which are said to provide aeration like perlite. The bonsai guy close to me says he has wonderful results with it. And you are right about the...
  12. bobbytables

    Paulistinha supersoil

    Ok two more things: Using mycorhiza is baloney Imperial units can lick my ass
  13. bobbytables

    Paulistinha supersoil

    I forgot to mention I water my seedlings with a product called Aminopeixe raízes (literally Aminofish roots) 1% N, 1%P, 1%K, 1%Ca, 1% aminoacids, 8% Organic Carbon Also, please mix all ingredients thoroughly
  14. bobbytables

    Paulistinha supersoil

    This is my first attempt to build my own supersoil recipe based on the ferts and minerals I have close to me (BRAZIL). Please share your thoughts as I explain my decisions: 50 Liters of Paulistinha supersoil Requirements: Physical properties A good soild needs to have aeration and moisture...
  15. bobbytables

    Any other gym rats out there?

    I do diamond, pike and archer pushups - with less repetitions since they're harder. regular pushups I can hit 35 Ive become a big fan of calisthenics lately