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  • ....so you have to add everything up and see what else you can run on those circuits...knob and tube systems fucking suck ass dude, i dont know how an apartment complex can renovate and still keep that type of electrical system, it can actually be very dangerous in some cases...when i was doing service with my company, i refused to work on it....hope this helps, if your lost let me know and ill try better, i just woke up
    nevermind i cant PM you...

    the old circular fuses are what now a days are breakers, or the switches...the circular fuses are part of an older electrical way of doing things called Knob and Tube. they stoped doing this in around the 50's in most cases but into the late 60's in others. ..anyway, if you only have a 20A and a 15A to power your whole apartment, then your best bet is to do the math on everything wired into those circuits, and i hope your fridge and appliances arnt on them as well.....anyway, the smartest way to do it would be to add up the amperage on everything on those circuits...unscrew one of them and see what turns off, then go to the stuff with everything still on, and look on them to see how many watts it uses...then divide watts by volts...example..a light use's 60 watts, so 60W/120V = 0.5AMPS
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