Recent content by Boymom1729

  1. B

    Read on the infamous lotus method modification with wine cooler

    Yeah I’m not familiar with electrical outside of hvac, but mainly just know how to read a wiring diagram. I know I need to supply both the fan and the peltier to a lower voltage supply but I don’t know how to go about that. Would this suffice?
  2. B

    Thermoelectric wine cooler drying and curing - DIY

    I’m having the same issues as he did and was looking at these items. Seeing those connectors do you need to also splice the power converter wires to insert in the connector? Just curious how to join the two after splicing into the connector.
  3. B

    Thermoelectric wine cooler drying and curing - DIY

    I just took a look, thank you. Was just curious if those connectors they linked make it to where the power converter plugs right into it?
  4. B

    Thermoelectric wine cooler drying and curing - DIY

    Going to look now thank you
  5. B

    Thermoelectric wine cooler drying and curing - DIY

    Should I just buy the one you mentioned? Seems like I would need to circuit board to power both. Posted pics in another thread but new and not sure if I responded to you
  6. B

    Thermoelectric wine cooler drying and curing - DIY

    Seems like the circuit board is necessary for this to convert the voltage to something both can use. I know when I did HVAC we would have to step down voltage for UV lights and other components inside. I just assume the heating element would take more volts to run than a fan but my extent of...
  7. B

    Read on the infamous lotus method modification with wine cooler

    So I recently read the thread where the guys is speaking on disassembling a dehumidifier so he can control the humidity inside of a wine cooler...
  8. B

    Thermoelectric wine cooler drying and curing - DIY

    I had a dehumidifier on hand and stripped it down to just wires, I think I need to buy a transformer for this because I can’t see it being wise for me to splice these wires to the power cord.