Recent content by BrassNwood

  1. BrassNwood

    Alaska Fish Emulsion

    Outdoors. So Cal year round. Just turned the lights off on this set so they'll flower.
  2. BrassNwood

    Alaska Fish Emulsion

    I've used it for years.
  3. BrassNwood

    Who remembers the 60's?

  4. BrassNwood

    General Edible Making Discussion

    It works out to a tablespoon of soy lecithin spread over 90 days for the dose I take (1 capsule per day). LMAO that isn't much and is in the 1/100ths of a milliliter per day.
  5. BrassNwood

    General Edible Making Discussion

    Just freeze until solid then heat to 220 F (104 C) for 10 minutes, Repete as needed. With the fractional amounts of soy Lecithin in Kats recipe I really don't think we are in danger of growing Moobs. If anybody was gonna grow them it would be me with such high use.
  6. BrassNwood

    General Edible Making Discussion

    A short lesson on Lecithin. Three major forms Liquid, powder and granules. Two sources Soy and Sunflower. Powder is also known as de-oiled and works best in mixes of mostly water with a small amount of oil. Granules much the same as they dissolve best with water present. Liquid is best for high...
  7. BrassNwood

    Kief tumbler wanted

    Halfway in between. The Hashmaster 5000 10 lbs of dry ice and a 5 gallon bucket of buds.
  8. BrassNwood

    How do outdoor growers keep their plants clean and bug-free?

    I've been growing outside in Southern California for 50 odd years. 4 harvests per year outside are possible here once I got things figured out. Mother nature takes care of all but 2 things that I really have to stay on top of. Powdery Mildew. Caterpillars. Weekly spraying with high PH water will...
  9. BrassNwood

    Fungus gnat experiment #569

    Home depot stocks Mosquito Bits and Dunks (BTI) Crush a dunk to powder and sprinkle a pinch or 2 under each plant. Last a month so repeat as needed. Only kills the Larva so use a sticky hanging trap to nab the adults. Water less.
  10. BrassNwood

    Buds come out smelling like grass, but the grind smells amazing

    You ARE drying to fast and likely to deep. 777 is the ideal drying conditions. 7 days at 70 degrees and 70% humidity. I don't have it and never will so I've learned how to work around the high temp and low humidity that are my local conditions. Only take down what you can trim before it wilts...
  11. BrassNwood

    How long should i let it cure

    I use the large 60 gram size packs 1 per half gallon jar. (64 oz) Bought a brick of them years ago and they are all still good and on the job.
  12. BrassNwood

    How long should i let it cure

    60 days minimum in glass with a 62% boveda humidity pack.
  13. BrassNwood

    Please Help Powdery Mildew Taking over all my plants Outdoor

    PM and Caterpillars are the only things I have to fight. Since I have to apply BT weekly for the caterpillars once flower starts in early Aug I know the PM isn't far behind and start with the high PH water for the PM. I have to stay on top of both weekly applications as even 1 missed week can...
  14. BrassNwood

    Please Help Powdery Mildew Taking over all my plants Outdoor

    Simple high PH (9) water is enough to disrupt the cell wall and kill the visible part of the powdery mildew infection. 1 tablespoon of Potassium Bicarbonate or Sodium Bicarbonate (household baking soda) to 1 gallon of water. Drench spray once a week seeding to week of harvest. It will control...
  15. BrassNwood

    General Edible Making Discussion

    I've tried making fresh several times as well as shaking just dried for dry ice Hash. It's not my ideal stone. Jumpy, edge of my seat feeling. I need more of a mellow, less choppy ride. I've had 13 years to fine tune my Hash capsules to suit my personal taste and everybody I share them with rave...