Recent content by brian330

  1. brian330

    3 Fan leaves per new node

    Here's one
  2. brian330

    Earthbox Inquiry

    I finally set up my earthboxes 2 days ago and am already have stood to set up 3 more 5 gallon bucket sip's...
  3. brian330

    Earthbox Inquiry

    Nice! How often do you water and how much
  4. brian330

    Earthbox Inquiry

    Similar! I just have a few questions for anyone with experience using sub irrigation or wicking and don't see a lot of firsthand info
  5. brian330

    Earthbox Inquiry

    Do you have any experienced with sub irrigation?
  6. brian330

    Earthbox Inquiry

    Greetings, Recently been researching sub irrigation and have obtained an earthbox. I do not have any experience with this method and need a little assistance. Has anyone used,or is using, one of these? Or can maybe point me towards someone that has some knowledge about using them. Any hello is...
  7. brian330

    2nd Attempt @this...1st Autoflower

    Day 2... Tuesday 08/11/2020- 11 a.m. 3 seeds moved from glass to paper towel. Lost one somehow when my dog was behind me begging for attention. Down to 2 already. Must be divine intervention, not gonna replace it since everything happens for a reason. No taproot yet, but it's still early.
  8. brian330

    2nd Attempt @this...1st Autoflower

    Good evening all, I am starting my second attempt at growing and began the germination prices this evening. I will post the important info and some pics below, then update daily(i hope). A little background... i attempted my first grow earlier this year(planted may 15th inside and currently in...
  9. brian330

    Has anyone completed a run using coast of maine soil?

    Greetings! I realize this is an old post,but on the off-chance that you're still active in racing out to inquire about the recipe you mentioned. Any assistance is appreciated!
  10. brian330

    Lil help please!

    Quick update! After bringing then inside i moved one(noticed the taproot was actually about 1inch long)and slightly covered the other! Came home from work to this !
  11. brian330

    Lil help please!

    Thank you for the feedback, will do!
  12. brian330

    Lil help please!

    Good evening, Put these 2 in a cup outside Sunday evening. After a heavy 30 or 45 minute rain this afternoon,i came home to this. I've moved them inside,but my question is,do i cover them slightly with soil,or leave them be?
  13. brian330

    Are you expecting the new Mars Hydro giveaway?:)

    Currently using the 600 and the 1000 just arrived. Would like to get the sp250 to put up in my new 4x4 2-n1 tent
  14. brian330

    Maybe a nitrogen toxicity problem or deficiency

    How did she turn out? I'm experiencing some toxicity issues, i think, and am nervous about the outcome.
  15. brian330

    Toxicity or deficiency

    Yeah, i am waiting on a bigger tent and an additional light to arrive, and will be spreading them out between the 2 bigger tents. Hopefully spreading them out combined with water inks for the next week or so will straighten em out... I'm actually surprised that they've made it this long.