get rid of the cup and germinate with paper towel... its more successful i've found! the problem wth water in a cup is this... the seed sits in water and when the tap root cracks out of the seed the water can suffocate it... also if the seeds are in a clear cup they will have a harder time germinating since roots dont like light. Take a paper plate, grab 2 pieces of paper towel. fold the paper towel up small enough to fit in a ziplock bag, moistened the paper towel with distilled water or take tap water thats been sitting out for 24 hours(to get rid of any chlorine), put the seeds on the paper towel, fold the paper towel so the seeds are covered, put the paper towel in the ziplock, seal the baggy air tight the put another paper plate over the top, keep em in a dark cool place and check em every 18 hours, it should only take a day or two, sometimes 3