Recent content by Bud man 43

  1. B

    Fortifiying COCO with CALMAG soak

    No my root mass makes it impossible to re use the coco- i toss the entire fabric pot and begin with a new one each time
  2. B

    Fortifiying COCO with CALMAG soak

    I use ph’ed water with calmag added to initially wet the coco bricks- just 1 teaspoon per gallon
  3. B

    Weed Porn-Lets see your current grow

    I am about to have a situation here- Adding uv/ir lights- the stems at the top of the plants are really thick- nodes really close together
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    Weed Porn-Lets see your current grow

    It has both male and female characteristics
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    Weed Porn-Lets see your current grow

    I have a boy- anyone want a Banana OG male?
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    Weed Porn-Lets see your current grow

    Yes I took clones from all 3 before flipping They are in pill bottles with coco/ perlite mix same as I will use when transplanting I spray them down a couple times a day with plain water and keep the medium moist Clones are now in a separate room
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    Weed Porn-Lets see your current grow

    And now at 60 days from sprout- flipping this weekend
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    Weed Porn-Lets see your current grow

    Cleaned up my lighting- down sized a bit- i am finding that 3-4 plants yielding 12 oz each is more than enough for me and my crew -
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    Weed Porn-Lets see your current grow

    Next group is going- Grand daddy purple Blueberry cake- my own cross And a Banana og from medical seeds The banana is a few days behind the others
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    Weed Porn-Lets see your current grow

    This is DJ Short Blueberry I use Complete Crop with the Myco early on and Flower Power shortly before and after flip
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    Weed Porn-Lets see your current grow

    What is this? Strange leaf shape with a flower?
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    Weed Porn-Lets see your current grow

    This plant yield was just over 12 oz of bud
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    Weed Porn-Lets see your current grow

    Some trimmed buds-
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    Weed Porn-Lets see your current grow

    Trimming the last few stems