Recent content by cancerkiller

  1. C

    RSO advice needed.

    if ur heart is set on rso, go for it, but my last method of decarbing whole flowers in a decarboxylator and squashing out food ready extract, is the easiest method for harvest to syringe. plus solventless.
  2. C

    RSO advice needed.

    this is how i made rso 7 plus years ago, i make solventless decarboxylated cannabis flower extract now and about to start making ice water bubble hash i'll squash into resin and then decarbe. start with normal cured flowers. if ur gonna be taking extract long term like me, get an ardent nova...
  3. C

    How do I slow down/reduce/prevent the flower stretch?
  4. C

    Freeze Drying Bud and Commercial Freeze Dryers

    thank you! u made my day after dropping $2900 last nght. no more curing! i'm like a little kid waiting for Christmas. i've got a plant that sb ready to try on as soon as it gets here!
  5. C

    Freeze Drying Bud and Commercial Freeze Dryers

    that look's amazing! i ordered a medium pharmaceutical one last night before i saw this thread. thanks for the pictures. i'm a medical oral user only and after freeze drying i'm gonna try dry sift in a pollen extractor and then press. ur buds look beautiful and appreciate any tips.
  6. C


    have u tried using decarboxylated cannabis extract orally yet? i've been consuming well over a gram a day for over 7 years now. 3 capsules a day right now 400mg each. not just a pain reliever but will actually heal. i am interested in kratom and everything else the govt told us was bad...
  7. C

    K2 / Spice / Kratom / Salvia ( why ? )

    another link
  8. C

    K2 / Spice / Kratom / Salvia ( why ? )

    the most mentally difficult psychoactive chemical i've ever experienced is 11-hydroxy-thc. it's taken me 7 years to acclimate to 1600mg of solventless decarboxylated cannabis flower a day. that's like eating a half oz of decarbed flower.
  9. C

    K2 / Spice / Kratom / Salvia ( why ? )

    i agree with george about lsd.
  10. C

    K2 / Spice / Kratom / Salvia ( why ? )
  11. C

    K2 / Spice / Kratom / Salvia ( why ? )

    took two 4 way hits of windowpane and saw it in the theater. i was pretty acclimated to lsd back then, like 48 years ago. fantasia is a better movie for acid.
  12. C

    History of Cannabis and the Endocannabinoid System

    maybe making progress.
  13. C

    History of Cannabis and the Endocannabinoid System

    and the doctors and big pharma are clueless, more like heads in sand.
  14. C

    What did you accomplish today?

    not doing a journal, thought this was actually "what did u accomplished today?" sorry, u want me to delete it? this is what i accomplished today, that's why i posted it, and jacking up tents is probably out of the norm. i don't want to do a jounal. i won't post in this thread anymore.
  15. C

    What did you accomplish today?

    nope, just "what i accomplished today". figured not everybody cuts holes in the bottoms of grow they can raise them up instead of buying more expensive taller grow tents. i'm sure somebody has but they're just shy. do tell though, what are the rulesorguidelines for posting in this thread?