Recent content by CannaR05!

  1. C

    Bronze spots in between leaf veins

    For this one plant, but the other 2 have the same mix and are perfectly healthy.
  2. C

    Bronze spots in between leaf veins

    I used the same mix in my other 2 plants and they are healthy. Maybe just bad genetics?
  3. C

    Bronze spots in between leaf veins

    Idk, It works and that is what matters to me. lol.
  4. C

    Bronze spots in between leaf veins

    The plant is in a 3gal fabric pot. so 10% of 3 gal of soil. I don't have a reason as to why I chose this receipe it is just what works. So it is what I stuck with.
  5. C

    Bronze spots in between leaf veins

    I am new to growing and this is my standard medium mix. Dolomite Lime is strong and takes a while to break down in the soil. so I use only 10% of it. why i chose 10% i could not tell you.
  6. C

    Bronze spots in between leaf veins

    Does anyone know what this is? Growing info: Medium: 40% Fox Farm Ocean Forest Soil 20% Rice hulls (Perlite substitute) 10% Humic Acid 10% Dolomite lime 10% Earth Worm Castings 10% Azomite Soil ph 7.12 / Water between 6.2 - 6.5ph (Well Water) This issue has been happening since she was a...
  7. C

    POT WORMS! Are these a problem??

    I am a year late to this convo but I just encoutered potworms as well. my girls are half way through week 4 flower, but I see no signs of any kind of stress at all. Upon further research I have found that these worms are harmless. They are actually benefical to the soil because they aerate it...
  8. C trustworthy?

    List of sites I would trust for seeds: From the breeder directly. example: I want Tropic Truffle Seeds. Their Breeder is Exotic Genetix. Buy the seeds right from Exotic Genetix if possible. just to name a few...
  9. C trustworthy?

    Yea bad seed bank I would not recommend
  10. C trustworthy?

    Damn I’m sorry man. Yea stay away from that company. They are not legit
  11. C

    Understanding NPK

  12. C

    Understanding NPK

    So if you were top dress feeding how many weeks apart would you feed them? Right now I am feeding every 2 weeks. Is that enough time for the nutrients to break down in the soil?
  13. C

    Understanding NPK

    How often do you feed your flowering plants with langbenite and bat guano?
  14. C

    Understanding NPK

    its ok. thanks for stopping by and have a great day!
  15. C

    Understanding NPK

    Growing plants organic instead of using synthetic bottled nutrients. NPK (nitrogen - phosphorus - Potassium ) the 3 big macro nutrients a plant needs to grow and thrive. When using organic nutrients it is harder to get nutrient burn since plant uptakes the nutrients slowly and when it needs it...