Recent content by Chronic73

  1. C

    Seedsman is amazing

    Solid you wanted to give the seed company a good review.. Jus' a lil TMI though bro... Good luck crackin those nuts.. keep us posted!
  2. C

    Seedsman is amazing

  3. C

    Going to mix 315 cmh and led but will they need to be at different heights

    So both led and CMH at 20 inch? sweet! I will have 2x 1800w LED (300 actual watts x 6 cobs) and 1 315 CMH for 4x4.. been my first attempt in many years.. thanks for your help
  4. C

    Law Enforcement Lurks

    Took me a while too.. I would pop in and out but never did sign up until now ,starting this grow, after legalization.. So fresh I'm just starting the starting stage lol
  5. C

    Back in the Saddle

    Pretty slow start to this grow, but once it ramps up it will be hammer time lol.. just while I am waiting for some of my other equipment to arrive, though I would start getting in to the routine.. through these cuttings in..just to do something while I wait. Gotta start somewhere haha
  6. C

    Going to mix 315 cmh and led but will they need to be at different heights

    Your question contained an answer that I was looking for thanks man!. do you have a thread of the results from mixing your CMH and Led's and what highth did you end up using?
  7. C

    3Thirteen Seeds

    Found your post searching for CMH & LED mixed.. awesome stuff! helped me make a decision.. thanks!!!
  8. C

    Best seed supplier with acmpr

    bwahaha +1
  9. C

    Back in the Saddle

    I put 2 inches of insulating foam under the Cannabis Cave..keep the girls off the cold floor. It just squeezed into its spot.
  10. C

    Back in the Saddle

    Getting ready to start the setup
  11. C

    Back in the Saddle

    Sup.. gang.. After 25 years out of the grow scene, heck haven't even smoked any of the electric lettuce in years, I decided to start up a grow. The only tent I had back in the day was strapped to my Harley, LED wasn't even word, but LSD was on everyone's mind...literally LOL. Anyway, thought...