Recent content by ClaytonNewbilFontaine

  1. ClaytonNewbilFontaine

    First living soil grow

    Thanks dude
  2. ClaytonNewbilFontaine

    First living soil grow

    I haven't updated in a while. Things have gone well. I've not added really anything since flower. I prob should hit them with microbial mass soon. This other one looks like it's foxtailing. It could be the genetics, but they are hella close to the light. I can't get them any lower.
  3. ClaytonNewbilFontaine

    For beginners wanting to learn

    It's peanut butter kush breath Remix from In House Genetics and the other I got mixed up. It's either mind flayer from Solfire gardens or grampas stash from Ethos. Thanks for the compliment. It's the frostiest one yet. It's seems like it'll be a very small yield though. But that's okay.
  4. ClaytonNewbilFontaine

    For beginners wanting to learn

    Dang man, that just made my day. Thank you
  5. ClaytonNewbilFontaine

    For beginners wanting to learn

    I started growing a year and a half ago. I wanted to learn everything I could as fast as I could. There were a few good resources that helped. One of them that I found very earlier on was the Cannabis Cultivation and Science Podcast by Tadd Hussey. I purchased the organic amendments I needed...
  6. ClaytonNewbilFontaine

    Spider Farmer Giveaway-SE3000 300W LED!

    USA Thanks for another awesome contest @Spiderfarmerled .
  7. ClaytonNewbilFontaine

    First living soil grow

    That's good advice. This is my first grow in this bigger tent. I'm loving the extra space. Having the dehu in the tent takes a lot of the moisture out of the air.
  8. ClaytonNewbilFontaine

    First living soil grow

    Things seem to be going okay. The blumats are working and keeping things watered. I cut out the plant in the middle. I either vegged too long or a 2x4 bed isn't big enough for 3 plants. Next run I'm prob still gonna go for 3 plants but I'm veg less time. Also I'll focus more on training...
  9. ClaytonNewbilFontaine

    Here Comes Labor Day Giveaway!

    Thanks for another awesome contest. Something interesting about this current grow is that it's my first time in a bed, instead of 5 gallon pots, and I way underestimated how big they were going to get.
  10. ClaytonNewbilFontaine

    First living soil grow

    I checked back and I must've forgot to make a note of when I planted them, but I know it was around the end of June or early July. They prob vegged for 6 weeks. Which was al little line than I had wanted. I'm still learning and getting used to good much more they grow after the flip. It...
  11. ClaytonNewbilFontaine

    First living soil grow

    I haven't updated in a while. I haven't added anything to the soil, just rainwater and dehumidifier water through the blumats. I need to do a microbial mass and Harbin protein application soon. I really slacked on the training. After the initial training I just let them go.
  12. ClaytonNewbilFontaine

    Phlizon Grow Light August Giveaway!

    If you're going to bend the plants down, to break apical dominance, it's easier and better centered in you plant them a little closer to one side of the container. Also, doing a little bit of research at the beginning goes a long way. #phlizon
  13. ClaytonNewbilFontaine

    First living soil grow

    It's been a minute since I've updated. Things are going well. I've not fed, but I've used microbial mass once and harpin protein once, in the past 2 weeks. The blumats have finally come on and are irrigating well. The meter has been reading 122 for the past few days. I'm very excited about...
  14. ClaytonNewbilFontaine

    First living soil grow

    Dude I'm sorry. I don't know how I saw the post, and liked it, but didn't respond. Yes it is just plain water. I use rain water I collect from the gutters. I filter it with this. It collects a lot of very tiny worms.