Recent content by CleanGreenkiwi

  1. CleanGreenkiwi

    Aussie Growers Thread

    What do you boys think it is thats making my leaves yellow off so much ?
  2. CleanGreenkiwi

    Aussie Growers Thread

    Same fuckers go around the bush in lines of 10-20 and comb the bush edge taking everything
  3. CleanGreenkiwi

    Aussie Growers Thread

    Its because its probably a group of dogshit prospecting mobsters looking to get patched so fear of death keeps em in line
  4. CleanGreenkiwi

    Aussie Growers Thread

    Good idea to follow a creek or a river .. its a water source for you if something goes wrong a and your plants it helps you to not get lost can hide your tracks then find a nice open gully coming of it or gullies .. often over the years they have built up with good top soil .. in nz anyway then...
  5. CleanGreenkiwi

    Aussie Growers Thread

    Nice .. glad i gor a 5 pack of these babys
  6. CleanGreenkiwi

    Aussie Growers Thread

    Apart from a few washouts its all good here .. no lighting strikes starting fires and tbh I would have been too pissed to have noticed got into a wrestling match with me boss and put him in a sleeper hold which he didnt think was gonna happen
  7. CleanGreenkiwi

    Aussie Growers Thread

    Ohhhh fuck now she hates me .. just smashed the garlic butter bowl .. better clean that shit up b4 she notices
  8. CleanGreenkiwi

    Aussie Growers Thread

    Boom tika chicken masala and home made naan .. get it inya mother fuckerssss .... my mrs is the shit .. im fuck3d jds and coke .. sow
  9. CleanGreenkiwi

    Aussie Growers Thread

    I have a couple of outdoors for seed that havent got balls yet and they are pumping wont be huge but the buds are forming nicely
  10. CleanGreenkiwi

    Aussie Growers Thread

    Back into it My mates dad used to grow a mean white rhino when we were at highschool.. used to have oz's lying around everywhere .. being the little cunts we were used to tax a handful and go get toasted
  11. CleanGreenkiwi

    Aussie Growers Thread

    Yeah mate hoping on around 30 mls ... another good follow up front in a weeks time should be perfect. We have around 8k ha in with 2 to go
  12. CleanGreenkiwi

    Aussie Growers Thread

    Getting in as much as we can before the rain
  13. CleanGreenkiwi

    Aussie Growers Thread

    ^^Crops that are beneficial to the soil rather than just stripping it bare
  14. CleanGreenkiwi

    Aussie Growers Thread

    And yeah zero till is the way of the future also planting My autos are not doing so well .. because i chucked em outdoors with weining sunlight .. only want em for seed still hoping that the balls pop up on the ultimate
  15. CleanGreenkiwi

    Aussie Growers Thread

    Rye for human consumption or feed ? Ive often wondered why theres no rye grown over here. my mrs is deutsch and goes nuts over rye flour. makes an awesome loaf of home made sourdough rye too