Recent content by Cloud Surfer

  1. Cloud Surfer

    Control odor & sterilize your room air + surfaces 24/7 + eliminate PM

    I know if the room/area gets too saturated with higher than recommended levels that it can start to damage things. I have no clue what that threshold is though. I just remember one of their techs telling me how he ruined a bunch of tennis rackets and items with rubber/seals. Said he was...
  2. Cloud Surfer

    Control odor & sterilize your room air + surfaces 24/7 + eliminate PM

    Venting and a carbon filter would negate the benefits of the machine. You would be collecting all the ROS and removing it from the grow area before it could work its magic.
  3. Cloud Surfer

    Control odor & sterilize your room air + surfaces 24/7 + eliminate PM

    I hear ya on the price, but there's no doubt in the results these machines produce. I couldn't justify the price for my personal growing, however I had an issue at my secondary house where the a/c didn't run for an entire summer and a roof leak. This resulted in mildew/mold spreading...
  4. Cloud Surfer

    Control odor & sterilize your room air + surfaces 24/7 + eliminate PM

    I believe Sage is the only place to get replacement parts. Great product and customer service.
  5. Cloud Surfer

    How much $$$ have you spent on grow equipment?

    How do you like those cool cures? Do you use their recommended settings of 68 degrees temp and 54 degrees dew point?
  6. Cloud Surfer

    Control odor & sterilize your room air + surfaces 24/7 + eliminate PM

    I Thank you, I've been using mine for a different project and haven't actually used it in the grow room yet. I was just curious what levels were actually needed to work in a grow environment.
  7. Cloud Surfer

    Control odor & sterilize your room air + surfaces 24/7 + eliminate PM

    @Hobbes Are you running your target set point at .020 or .030?
  8. Cloud Surfer

    Cooling down the grow tent with a mini split AC

    I don't think running the condenser inside is a wise decision...
  9. Cloud Surfer

    Air purification

    I got the 4004 model. They custom make the unit for your specific needs.
  10. Cloud Surfer

    Air purification

    Just figured I'd give a small update. I went ahead and bought an Airros machine. Great product, with great customer service and technical support. Big thanks to the feedback from members that have one, it's what helped me make my decision.
  11. Cloud Surfer

    Air purification

    Anybody have any info or input on the "Puraclenz" units? They use PCO/Nasa technology but claim their units actually clean the surrounding air and surfaces unlike traditional PCO technology that only cleans the air passing through the unit. I'm about ready to pull the trigger on an Airros...
  12. Cloud Surfer

    Ventilation drawing air from furnace

    BigGreenThumb and thumper60 are spot on, there's no rigging anything. You have 3 options... 1: Vent your exhaust back into the house and deal with the extra humidity and have no concerns of backdrafting from the furnace. 2: Crack a window somewhere else in the house, hopefully allowing...
  13. Cloud Surfer

    Dust Shroom

    Thank you for the assurance, this will be the way I go.
  14. Cloud Surfer

    Dust Shroom

    I thought negative pressure in a tent was a good thing, ensuring good air exchange and odor control?
  15. Cloud Surfer

    Dust Shroom

    Will these filters work on passive intakes, or do they need a fan in order for air to come through? I did a search and couldn't really find an answer. I was hoping to use this on a passive intake pulling air from outside into the basement, as well as 2 passive intakes on my tent. I've read...