Recent content by Cookiezealous

  1. C

    Sour Diesel

    The thing eats like nobody’s business I’ve fed tea worm, castings, plus my regular top dressing through flower in a 20 gallon pot and she still wants more She’s about to walk into week five right now and starting to see a fade on her so I’m definitely gonna do it differently next time Every...
  2. C

    Can anyone tell me the sex of these? Let's see how good you are

    one hundred percent agree with you For sure with the smack down 1 out of 10 seeds grew past a very young seedling It was pretty good but everyone of them was bizarre I don’t really like cookies I usually work on things without any cookies in the history whatsoever But you Also can’t get away...
  3. C

    Can anyone tell me the sex of these? Let's see how good you are

    I’m gonna throw in another question on here since it seems like we have people that play around with pollen. is this weird for an F1? Usually get pretty similar children, shape, size, etc. a lot of the differences I see in the F ones are the terpines and everything to do with the flower not...
  4. C

    Can anyone tell me the sex of these? Let's see how good you are

    There is no way to tell You arnt showing the sex in the photos Or My phone can’t zoom that far in to get a good look
  5. C


    This was the male I used Found the pic It’s the only boy I’ve ever seen in real life with resin I don’t know if I’m just stupid and haven’t seen a lot or if it was actually special But it’s kids were pretty dope Also had zero herms
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    I had an instagram with plants but it was taken down. All of my social media is pretty g rated now because of my work but I growing out some Smack Down Which was exotics old plant Crosssed to High Mac F2 I think that will be pretty awesome if someone worked the line I’ve only got F1s but...
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    This is me I am real
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    I do I did an open pollination with the pack Got quite a bit of Them
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    that is absolutely correct, Terps on some are great Creamy/ Minty Some are bad But all of them have a lot of resin Yield isn’t great lol Super easy to trim I’m also growing and living soil though so I don’t know if my heel is as good as some people’s If you dm me I will send them wherever I...
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    not the best pics but this is what I found My instagram page with all of my plant pics got shutdown Pretty annoying DM me and I’ll send you a bunch of em You can just have them
  12. C


    So I did an open pollination with the male I found I left a lot of the high MAC f2 females in the tent along with SmackDown, which is an old strain from exotic genetics Currently growing some of them out right now, and I grew out a few of the High Mac f3s They came out amazing Everything they...
  13. C

    Sour D

    Got NotSos Sour Cut She’s definitely a little picky about a lot of things. She outgrows her container very quickly. I’m in Living soil using build a soil 3.0. Basically ran out of room in the 2 gallon pot so I transplanted her to a 5 gallon pot. She did not like the transplant. And she was...
  14. C

    Flora Nova DWC

    First time running DWC, haven’t started it yet but in my DWC veggie garden I use h202 as a preventative measure. Is it ok to run flora nova with h202? I read that you’re not supposed to use it with this particular nutrient line, but I’ve also read that you can. So I guess my question is, will...
  15. C

    Flavors By Region

    I’ll definitely check that out, I usually listen to the potcast I think he was on there I could be wrong Pretty envious of people that have space to run 100s of plants It’s taken me two years to basically get to a place where I need to start over lol