Recent content by Covert Cannabis

  1. Covert Cannabis

    How does pistil growth affect bud sites?

  2. Covert Cannabis

    Second time growing (Q+A)

    Dude honestly this plant is doing really well and I'm gonna sell both of them for $150... got a guy who needs some moonstone... thankyou for the help, I'll make sure to send you a full body pic of both of em
  3. Covert Cannabis

    Rate my rainbow moonstone (3 months old) 0/10

    Two of my 3mo Rainbow moonstone plant (second time succesfully growing)
  4. Covert Cannabis

    Second time growing (Q+A)

    Gonna be perfectly honest Im new to this and dont really know what that means buttttt... heres some photos I took today... I'll take some full photos later
  5. Covert Cannabis

    Second time growing (Q+A)

    So this is my plant... shes 2 months old, lmk what you guys think and if theres anything I need to do to improve...
  6. Covert Cannabis

    Theoretical: 24 hour light schedule (24/7)

    Plants are supposed to get atleast a little darkness... you dont wanna stress her out.
  7. Covert Cannabis

    Whats going on here?

    Thats gonna be classic nutrient burn right there my brother... or the method of eradication you used on the mites... just give her water without ANY nutrients this week my friend, see how that treats her
  8. Covert Cannabis

    Theoretical: 24 hour light schedule (24/7)

    Theoretically speaking guys I'm not an idiot lmao, just wondering what would happen...
  9. Covert Cannabis

    Is she ready to harvest?

    Yeah man that totally works as well... Just saying its gonna be a bit of a pain in the ass trying to find every single white pistil at the very end
  10. Covert Cannabis

    Is she ready to harvest?

    I would say it's right on the edge! Just wait until 90% of those pistils are brown...
  11. Covert Cannabis

    My chicken Silvia (off topic)

    Man she's my pet...
  12. Covert Cannabis

    My chicken Silvia (off topic)

    Thats an OG video hahahha
  13. Covert Cannabis

    My chicken Silvia (off topic)

    idk I said off topic, just thought it'd brighten up peoples day with this whole Covid thing going around, sorry... just wanted to show you my girl
  14. Covert Cannabis

    My chicken Silvia (off topic)

    It was pouring rain today, silvia and her sister were out on my porch trying to get out of all of the commotion, but suddenly Silvia felt the urge to go lay her egg in the coop... poor girl got soaking wet taking the journey, brought her inside to dry off... The following is a photo of a wet...
  15. Covert Cannabis

    Day 18-22 progress, indoor, Jamaican.

    Dude you're a little late she's in a 2 gallon pot now look at my stream