Recent content by Cpl. Cat

  1. C

    Expanding my grow area, 5 x 9 tent lighting.

    That's a nice yield! and a good looking set up.
  2. C

    CO 2 use

    Generally speaking no, some people may experience mild side effects but that's about it OSHA even allows for concentrations up to 30,000 for no up to 10min. If you have ever been by a bin of dry ice the ambient CO2 floats around 11,000 ppm.
  3. C

    Infrared security camera in grow space

    As long as you have even a few feet of separation you should be fine, most indoor IR cameras have a relatively low out put and the light intensity should fallow the inverse square law. That said, I run a camera for time lapse video of the plants, but I don't really see the advantage of running...
  4. C

    Insaneeee grow room idea/plans after my first yield

    The list you have looks fine at a glance. Just bare in mind that that is a huge setup. I would personally solve the heating issue with you current setup and hold off on a second grow room. Your first 12 plants can produce a yield 4-12 lbs. depending on setup and experience in a 3-4 month time...
  5. C

    CO2 Burner Experiences?

    The grow area has a foot print of 32 sq. ft. and a volume of ~192 cubic feet.
  6. C

    CO2 Burner Experiences?

    That's what I am probably going to have to do. It just kills me because the natural gas line has an outlet right on the wall. It is more of a want than need.
  7. C

    CO2 Burner Experiences?

    I am planning on putting a 4x8 short tent in my basement (short because I have , >72in clearance). I would like to do more work with CO2 and I was leaning towards a burner because the room is already has a natural gas line in it. My concern is that both Titan and Autopilot burners ask for 20"...
  8. C

    Measuring leaf surface temp

    I have a FLIR T620 IR camera that I barrowed form work (to check for tent leaks). It gives me comparable results to my IR grill thermometer, which ran about $25. Even if I go though the trouble of setting the emissivity to the plant leaves (0.97) It doesn't effect the reading much. You should be...
  9. C

    Infared thermometer

    In the beginning that should be fine, as the plants get bigger you will get your most accurate results from the level of the canopy where the most leaves have direct access to the light. Then just make small adjustments to your system to dial in your desired range.
  10. C

    Infared thermometer

    Ideally, you would measure temp and humidity in side the canopy for the most accurate numbers. This can be difficut to archive with out a dedicated sensor in the canopy. If your tent temp is off from the leaf temp by more than 2-4 degrees from the leaf temp it is likely due to the placement of...
  11. C

    Expanding my grow area, 5 x 9 tent lighting.

    Looking at your current set up, I would definitely stick with the 600s. The largest benefit of the better lighting will show up when you have complete canopy cover which might be hard with 4 plants. (Edit: I shouldn't just assume that, how is you canopy coverage during your current grows? Pretty...
  12. C

    Expanding my grow area, 5 x 9 tent lighting.

    I am in a similar situation, I am currently planning a 4x8 setup in my own home. The 600r has an output of 1529 ppf for around $700, the Scorpion Diablo has 1900 ppf for $1400. So you are doubling the cost for a 20-24% increase in lighting. Personally, if I already had the 600 already, I would...
  13. C

    Power requirements

    The 1600 watts for lighting is a bit overkill, but I don't have the specific lights picked out, so I may have over estimated the overhead. As to tying into the to the forced air system, that seems like something I could possibly do myself. It would take about 5 odd feet of ducting and it would...
  14. C

    Power requirements

    Living in Michigan so home use is legal up to 12 plants. I have the approx. wattage figured out. I suppose I should clarify a bit. I was thinking of logistics. My first thought was to run all of the main equipment of separate circuits, but I think that would pose a problem for an controller...
  15. C

    Power requirements

    I recently moved to a house and I am looking at putting a 4x8 tent in the basement. Unfortunately the room I am placing it in has no easy access outlets, so I am looking at putting in a dedicated subpanel to run all of the tents electrical. I would welcome any advice on power set-up or what some...