I've recently started making roaches from the thin cardboard Amazon uses on their packages. Perfect for it. Thin and flexible. Also not printed or waxed so should stop some of the baccy tar.
Recycling. The should put it on breakfast TV.
I have a plant just about ready, buds starting to go frosty. I picked the higher buds a week back.
Will these get any better or should I pick them now?
Can anyone confirm this is going hermi. The buds need a few days longer to go frosty but if it's hermi I'll get out of the grow room tonight, I have 2 younger girls flowering in there
Collected remaining buds from a plant yesterday. Last week took the top ones, which were ready sooner. I think it had gone hermi.sacks appeared. None had opened which would have been a nightmare as I have 2 younger plants in there covered in white pistils.
By next weekend will start off 2 seeds. Auto melonade runtz. Meant to be a potent strain.
To replace the 3 being harvested. Trying to keep the room busy.
I think maybe a week or two till harvest. One of the plants is taller and could be a different strain. Another is further ahead. I'm waiting for 80% orange pistils and yellow leaves. Removed quite a few yellow ones from the plant that's more advanced.
Hello chaps
I'm doing my first indoor grow. Done a few outdoor ones previously in France but never got anything like the yields people talk about here. Been busy in my under stairs cupboard. Will be putting these in new buckets shortly in proper compost mixed with perlite. Would love 2 oz a...
They should be getting a root structure, in a few days will take them out of these little pots and put them in the big ones. Bought perlite today to mix in with the potting compost. A few people have been recommending it on this site.
I fitted the fan and duct pipe so extracted air goes under the house, not important now but later when the plants start to smell it will be. I have a few sheets of carbon filter which I will cut to size and tape over the fan. The air going under the floor will eventually go out the air bricks at...