Recent content by dardcing

  1. D

    Help please not budding

    The small plant is budding but witch is weird
  2. D

    Help please not budding

    Nah bro not autos, yeah I'll remove it was hopeing would bounce back
  3. D

    Help please not budding

    Nah so lights are off during the day coz it's soo hot but Pretty dark in there, only check them every night when lights are on
  4. D

    Help please not budding

    The soil is from Bunnings as I'm in Australia, called bayleis or someshitt
  5. D

    Help please not budding

    So the only one budding is the small one that was looking shit from the beginning, the big ones ain't doing shit and one died hella frustrating, but it's my first time so I'm just taking it as a learning experience
  6. D

    Help please not budding

    Okey so that first picture I uploaded was bout 1 week into 12/12 waited another week still the same.... Changed the light too 14 off 10 on too get something happening and wrapped the tent in insolation too stop any light that may be getting in, but it cooked the plants because we've had a heat...
  7. D

    Help please not budding

    The smallest plant is starting too bud though... the big ones arnt
  8. D

    Help please not budding

    12/12 for 2 weeks then 14 off 10 on for 2 weeks too try get some results
  9. D

    Help please not budding

    So the smaller sickly one in the back is the only one showing signs of budding il take more photos tomorrow
  10. D

    Help please not budding

    Not exactly sure but least 2 months in veg most recent photo I have, I'll take some more tomorrow, had a massive heat wave 1 has unfortunately died or close too it because I put installation around the tent trying too stop any light getting through they didn't like thatt
  11. D

    Help please not budding

    Bout a month now, and there girl scout cookies
  12. D

    Help please not budding

    So I'm a new grower..... Have 4 plants in a tent started 12/12 trying too bud for a couple of weeks no signs then switched it up too 14 off and 10 on, the smallest shit plant is budding my 3 big lush ones showing no signs has been a month now, why is the smallest shit one doing it and others aint